The Dinosaurs Are Coming!

by Ken Ham on August 11, 2005

I have attached two pictures of three animatronic dinosaurs that have been delivered to AiG and are now awaiting installation. Two of them are baby T-Rex dinosaurs that will be in the Lobby as part of the waterfall exhibit—there will be two animatronic children beside these two baby dinosaurs. The other one is a spectacular Velicoraptor dinosaur that will be the centerpiece in the "Two World View" room. Children and adults alike will be fascinated with these animatronic creatures!


Every day at AiG is different.

Today I met with the director of the Outreach Department to plan for the future. It is so exciting to see the number of great speakers we now have available through AiG.

While I was meeting, representatives of a foundation that gives money to Christian organizations came for a tour through the offices and Museum. I then had lunch with these people. We continue to pray God will burden hearts to support AiG—please continue to pray for the rest of the funds needed for the Museum and the day to day monetary needs of the ministry of AiG.

I then met with leaders in the outreach department to finalize the program for Creation College 2 that we'll be conducting next year. This is a special conference to teach people how to teach the Creation Ministry. Next year we will have a freshman and sophomore course (for those that came to the first Creation College) and a special series of lectures geared for pastors. We will be posting the finalized program on the web by the end of this month—keep a watch out for it.

After dealing with some mail, I came home and I and Kristel (our youngest daughter) went on our favorite bike ride (8 miles of track at a park 15 minutes from our house).

Tonight we had supper at the Kerby's with Dave Menton and some friends of the ministry.

I still have jet lag from the Israel trip—about 8:00 pm I started feeling overwhelmingly tired—I am trying to force myself to stay up later (otherwise I keep waking up around 2 am—and my wife doesn't really appreciate this!!). It's 10:00 pm and I'm writing this BLOG—but everything looks blurry—I really need to just go to bed! I hate jet lag!


From Israel: Our hosts in Israel sent this concerning my recent speaking tour there:

"After the seminar for adults the leader of the national committee for evangelism (yes, we have such body), told me that they plan to have an evangelistic campaign next month and that they may give 'The Lie: Evolution' to people who ask for it. I assume that about 100 non-believers will receive the book!

Also the store in the Finnish kibbutz ordered a few books for the store.

I also heard from one church that they decided to continue with creation teaching after hearing you and understanding that the subject is crucial. We praise the Lord for that and I really think that these are only the first fruits. Keep praying!"

Blog feedback:

An AiG supporter sent this feedback:

I read the blog every single day and so appreciate the opportunity to stay connected this way. Thanks to "[AiG]" techies for making this possible. The monthly appeal letters are, well, somewhat predictable. The blog, however, captures a wonderful spontaneity --almost as if the reader is at your breakfast table enjoying a bowl of "creation nuggets" with the teacher. The Israel trip sounds awesome - so glad you were able to go and share.
About the Israel trip:

A supporter sent the email message below. I will be giving a detailed report on my trip to Israel to the staff in a week or so. I wish everyone could see the slides and hear what I say—maybe we can film it and put on the web—I'll talk with our web staff about this. Our supporter wrote:

I was wondering if Ken would consider giving a special talk about his trip to Israel. My suggestion would be to hold a slide show in the special effects theater or to hold a talk at his home church. I (and I'm sure I'm not alone!) would love to sit and listen in on the wonderful experience that he and Mally had in Israel. I have never been and as a believer I think that would be the most exciting vacation I could go on.

I have attached a picture of a white donkey I took in Israel. The reason for this is because the orthodox Jews have a tradition that the Messiah will come riding on a white donkey. It's so sad that they don't recognize the Messiah (Jesus Christ) did come and paid the penalty for their sin by dying on the cross.


Yes, tomorrow (Thursday) morning I really get my teeth into the day! I start off with a dentist appointment! How I hate dentist appointments—but I remind myself the reason I have to do this is because of what happened in Genesis—sin entered the world, and now everything runs down, including my teeth! whitedonkey.JPG 3_velociraptor.jpg 2_animatronicdinos.jpg Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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