July 4 and AiG on Fox!

by Ken Ham on July 5, 2005


On Monday evening 4th July, around 7:50 pm EST, the AiG Museum was featured as one of the news items on the FOX news channel--this was during their main news hour. I will link to a transcript of the item once it is available.


Our family was invited to join some of our neighbors and friends for a fireworks evening to celebrate the 4th of July. I have attached three photographs of some of the fireworks--we had a great time of fellowship and fun.

img_8671_2.JPG img_8668_3.JPG img_8667_4.JPG JULY 4 WORKDAY

I had no option today--I had to: a. Prepare notes of my three talks for the MEGA conference so staff can compile all the handouts into a notebook tomorrow; b. It was my turn to write the newsletter article (for the August newsletter); c. I had to write the major monthly letter that AiG mails out to its supporters in August. The theme of the monthly letter centered around the tremendous opportunity AiG has had for the last 10 years to distribute materials at the NEA convention--the largest convention of public educators in the world. A number of our staff volunteered for duty and spent three days this past week (July 1-3) in Los Angeles, witnessing and handing out creationist material to thousands of public school teachers, administrators etc. We praise the Lord for this opportunity--and we can see the difference this is making after 10 years--more and more people are becoming informed on the arguments and more than ever are sympathetic to at least presenting alternative views to and/or the problems with evolution.

Please pray for all the materials that were handed out at the NEA!

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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