What is Your Life?

by Ken Ham on June 28, 2005

I was reminded of James 4:14 yesterday: "Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

We received news my mother was taken to hospital with a heart attack. She has some heart damage, but we won't know the extent of things until further tests scheduled for Monday. In the meantime she remains in the Critical Care unit of a local hospital so they can keep an eye on her. Mally and I went to see her this morning. It was an emotional moment as we left knowing we are flying back to the USA tomorrow (We should be well into our flight as you are reading this). It's so hard to know what to do under such circumstances. We pray that Mum will regain her strength and be with us for many more years to come. However, when something like this occurs, it is always a reminder to us of the fragility of life and how important it is that we have put our faith and trust in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord for our Godly mother, who along with our Godly father trained their children to love the Lord and stand on the authority of His Word.

One of the doctors that attended my mother saw her name and asked if she knew a Ken Ham. She told him she was my mother. The doctor then said he remembered me speaking at a school 22 years ago. He then went on to say he didn't believe in evolution. One never knows the effect even one class at a school can have on someone. What was said must have made some sort of impression for him to remember it 22 years later. What a reminder that no matter who, or how many we talk to, can have a dramatic influence on a life.


In less than a week, the facade panels for the Creation Museum lobby have gone from palettes on the floor to amazing adornments upon the previously plain white walls (See photograph). The two sections beside the waterfall are now complete. Already, you can see the incredible difference that it makes to the whole feel of Creation Museum's first indoor features.

img_9129.jpg Keep praying!


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