Life on the other side of the world...

by Ken Ham on June 17, 2005


I am just starting to get over jet lag---usually takes me 7--10 days to really feel "human" again after traveling from USA to Australia. Kentucky is 14 hours behind the time here in Queensland. As the sun is rising in Kentucky over the Creation Museum, the sun is setting here on the Gold Coast (south of Brisbane).

An AiG staff member sent me a photo of the sun rising over our lake and new boardwalk at the Museum site---I included this photo with one of the sun setting where we are staying in Australia. The photo I shot here on the Gold Coast from the front of our apartment, is looking north towards the town of Surfers Paradise; you can see a very tall building---authorities claim this will be the tallest apartment building in the world.


Instead of fishing out of a boat, we decided to get fish and chips at a local fish shop. The photo shows Mally with some of our relatives (including my mother).

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