What Do You Do With Jet Lag?

by Ken Ham on June 14, 2005


It’s 4 AM in Australia on the East Coast. Yes—it’s jet lag! Just for fun I took a photograph of the coast from our unit on the 22nd floor just to show you what the Gold Coast looks like at 4 AM!

David Ham

I decided to get up and answer email, make some phone calls to the USA, watch Fox news (yes, they do get that over here), and try to keep quiet so I don’t wake Mally (but I'm not sure I’m being successful at that).

The Bone Breaker

My brother David and his wife Thelly dropped in to see us while we visited my brother Stephen. David is much younger than me—and VERY different! He loves motorbikes (motorcycles). He has broken so many bones we’ve all lost count. He wanted to show off his new road bike, so I though I’d include a photo of my “different” brother.

David Ham


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