Museum Update and more

by Ken Ham on May 25, 2005

Museum update:

1. The waterfall is being tested right now---seems to be working well. 2. Tim has finished putting the outside restaurant chairs together. 3. The boardwalk as part of the nature trails is nearing completion---only the rails to go now.

Staff Meeting

Today started out with me addressing the staff in our special effects theatre. As I will be in Jackson all next week for our board meeting, I wanted to take the opportunity to update the staff on what is happening. I also discovered a few staff I haven't met yet! I think we're up to 110 staff---I'm away so much, and we have such an efficient leadership team, I come back and catch up with the new staff!

Cartoon time!

I spent some time with our full-time cartoonist Dan Lietha today. He is such a blessing to this ministry. Dan has designed a new series of cartoon PowerPoint illustrations for me to use at our fund raising banquets for the Museum---I will show you some copies once he's completed them---I told Dan what I wanted to illustrate and he came up with a brilliant idea.

'Pastor' for lunch

Carl Kerby conducted another Christian leaders (Pastors and others) luncheon today (we average 2 of these a month). About 40 Christian leaders attended today. I was able to eat lunch with them (BBQ ribs, brisket, etc.) and then spoke to them about the ministry of AiG. Radio Interview

I then had a recorded radio interview with the Christian Radio station associated with Liberty University, specifically to promote the MEGA Conference coming up in July (go on line to register---I encourage you to come). Computer issues:

A volunteer who helps us greatly with specific computer issues traveled to the office this afternoon to try to help us solve a problem we've had with PowerPoint---he emailed me tonight to say he thinks he has worked out a way to solve it---we praise the Lord for the myriad of volunteers like this who sacrificially give of their time to help AiG.


TV Opportunity:

I have a preliminary interview with the producers of a major TV news network as a lead-up to a possible TV interview regarding the ministry/Museum.


I will be interviewed on ABC (USA) radio tomorrow afternoon about the Museum. The recent press coverage of the Museum continues to spark interest across the nation.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying.



Well tonight, my wife and some of our children went out to see the latest 'STAR WARS' movie! I know, it's evolutionary junk etc.---but we are science fiction fans, so we had to see it!

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