American Family Radio at Answers in Genesis

by Ken Ham on May 4, 2005

Some days I can't believe how busy it gets at AiG. After a 1 am to bed time---and a 5.30 am rise time---it was a short night. I arrived at the office early so Carl Kerby and I could give a tour of the office/Museum complex to our guests from American Family Radio.

AFR broadcast their program called Today's Issues, live from our radio studio at the AiG headquarters at 11:00 am (EDT). AFR's website states that this program "is a live call-in program aired each weekday at 10:04 a.m. central time which deals with the moral, social, and political issues of the day." Today's Issues approaches these issues from a perspective of biblical, traditional, conservative values. Usually, each Today's Issues program features an interview with a guest. In the past this list has included well-known authors, political figures and nationally known ministers. The program is hosted by American Family Association president and author, Tim Wildmon, and the general manager of American Family Radio, Marvin Sanders.

Tim Wildmon, Marvin Sanders and their producer Cindy Barnett were all present today at AiG for the live interview. We decided to offer Dr. David Menton's new video (DVD) Fearfully and Wonderfully Made free to those who listened to the show and called in. This video is the most powerful pro-life/anti-abortion presentation I've seen. Because AFR listeners are keyed in to such issues, we expected a fairly good response! Our customer service staff earned their keep today! At one stage we had 6 customer service reps handling the phones taking one call after another as a result of this offer, for over an hour and a half. As well as that, hundreds ordered the DVD through the website---and many more left messages on voice mail. Calls kept coming in all day---and probably will for another couple of days! Lots of people find out about AiG and get connected to the website and are added to the mailing list as a result of such offers! Our customer service staff said this is probably the largest response ever to such an offer!

We took Tim, Marvin and Cindy on a tour of the AiG offices and Creation Museum. I have included a photograph of all of us standing in front of the T-Rex. Also another photo showing Carl Kerby and me with Marvin and Tim in our studio for the program.

We also found out from our astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle, that there was a distinct sun spot visible on the sun today---apparently this is not normal for this time of year. Jason used his telescope to show us the sun spot (we viewed it on a piece of paper---you can't look directly at the sun or you would be blinded).

We all had lunch at the AiG café (soon to be themed Noah's Ark Café). After our guests left, I then wrote the June newsletter article and the monthly AiG letter.

Forty of our staff (and spouses) are going to a Red's Baseball game tonight in Cincinnati! Our staff love to do things together so this should be a great time of fellowship and fun!

Thanks for stopping by and as always keep praying!


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