Home Again ...

by Ken Ham on April 26, 2005

What a great weekend! It's funny how being in ministry puts you in front of people sometimes ...

  • As we were checking out of the hotel, the clerk recognized me from some videos he had seen. We had a great chat about creation issues and the ministry.
  • At the airport, as I was going through security and the security staff person read my boarding pass, he put out his hand (with his plastic glove on) and said, "Ken Ham! I so appreciate your ministry. Keep up the good work." (And no, I didn't get through any more quickly!)
After lunch on Monday, Mark Looy called me to come and speak with two reporters from Montreal in Canada. They are writing an article on religion/politics in the USA for the 2nd largest newspaper in Canada (the largest is the Toronto Star). It is interesting speaking to these reporters who themselves have been indoctrinated in evolutionary humanism. As I so often find, they don't understand what we are saying in regard to the connection between evolution, the undermining of Biblical authority and the immorality that pervades the culture. I tried to explain it, but I'm not sure they understood. Please pray for that Montreal newspaper article.

On a personal note ... it was good to spend time with Mally (my wife) when I got back from Tulsa. I've been on the road a lot this month---time together is really precious.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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