Blessed By the Work of Our Partners in Peru

by Steve Ham on August 27, 2015

We are grateful for the unprecedented growth of the ministry of Answers in Genesis in Latin America. Our objective is to reach the Spanish-speaking world with biblical resources in their language to better equip them to not only defend their faith, but to share the gospel effectively.

In August 2015, we officially welcomed Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath as ministry partners in Peru. This hardworking and dedicated couple has many years of experience serving in creation apologetics ministries. In Peru they have already made vital inroads with local public schools and churches and have held several creation conferences throughout the country.

As part of the August launch of Answers in Genesis—Peru, dozens of pastors from Lima, Peru, and the surrounding area gathered for a very impactful Pastor’s Conference with Steve Ham, director of Answers International, and Joe Owen, manager of AiG’s Spanish ministry. Creous and Elizabeth will continue equipping these local pastors with the translated resources they need and train them to reach the needs of their congregation. The Ramdaths are eager to share the truth of biblical creation to all of Latin America, and their addition to our team will enable us to better reach all of Latin America with both creation apologetics and the gospel message. Please watch this video interview and remember to pray for our Latin American outreach.


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