Exciting Opportunities for Reaching the Spanish-Speaking World

on May 22, 2014

If you are interested in seeing a strengthened church in the Latin American world, we have some amazing news for you. Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath are missionaries in creation apologetics and have established a presence in Lima (the capital) working with churches and doing creation evangelism in Peru and surrounding countries. This week, the Ramdaths join us with around 60 Spanish-speaking pastors from USA and Latin America as we help to equip them in defending the faith and teaching their own congregations the credibility of the history in the Bible.

Not only that but Creous and Elizabeth have been training with many of the speakers and staff in Answers in Genesis as we assist them in building this much needed ministry in Peru. As the Lord expands the reach of the Answers in Genesis ministry in equipping the church in creation apologetics and helping all who hear the message to gain greater confidence in the credibility and the authority of Scripture, there is an overwhelming amount of work to be done.

Creous and Elizabeth

Recently, Creous and Elizabeth treated the AiG staff to a wonderful update about our worldwide initiatives in Latin America and particularly in Peru. We were updated about many exciting meetings, camps, and mission initiatives that they have been doing.

Please pray for our worldwide initiatives. We have people like Creous and Elizabeth who have a sincere heart for the church, the spread of the gospel, and defending the faith. They have become passionate about how creation apologetics can be a great tool in the hands of not only the Peruvian church but the whole of Latin America.

We are busy translating as many materials into Spanish as possible. We are also working on strategies to help grow the ministry in Peru with many needs, including vehicles, technology, and administration staff. All this to say that Answers in Genesis is prayerfully excited about building a Spanish language team to meet the needs of the church reaching out to the second most-spoken language in the world.

Our endeavors with Creous and Elizabeth are just some of the initiatives to reach this widely spoken language group. It may also interest you to know that as we do more in Latin America, it also helps us to reach out to over 50 million Spanish-speaking people right here in the USA.

If you are asking why we see Peru as so important for Latin America, you are asking a good question. Geographically, Peru is situated in a prime, central location for reaching many Latin American countries. Lima, the capital, is growing at a very fast pace and is a technological and education center on the continent. There is one other amazing opportunity in Lima in that this education capital with the oldest universities in Latin America has open doors to scientists teaching science from all perspectives. This gives a great opportunity for people to actually see the scientific credibility of the history in Genesis taught by biblical creation scientists. These scientists can work along side the Ramdath's as we seek to minister to both the church and its community. The fields are ready for harvest.

Please, be encouraged, pray, and join our enthusiasm for reaching the Spanish-speaking world.

Thank you for joining us as we equip the church for the global mission of the gospel.




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