Embrace: Answers for Women 2015

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on January 8, 2015

Since AiG began hosting a women’s conference several years ago, I have desired to provide a conference dealing with some of the major cultural issues of our day. Our 2015 conference will do just that and is reflected by our theme, Embrace: Compassionate Answers for a Fallen World.

What do you say when a friend confesses to adultery? When your sister tells you she’s a lesbian? When a niece aborts her unborn child? When a coworker’s baby is born with a debilitating disability? We often think of these as issues that are common outside the walls of the church, but we need to realize that the women sitting next to us in the pew are dealing with them as well.

Just recently, I received an email from a friend who is pregnant and whose baby has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. I hesitated as to how I should respond. I’m happy that she is going to have a baby, but I also know that the child will have to deal with major physical and mental disabilities. What should I type in reply? Over the past decade, several of my friends have committed adultery, and I’ve seen the destruction it has brought to their spouses and children. How do I help?

We certainly live in a fallen world, and we all know someone who has experienced the effects of this sin-cursed world . . . someone who is hurting. An important part of apologetics (defending the faith) is helping people understand the effects of sin in our fallen world and, when necessary, confronting people about their sin. But there is also what I would term a “practical” side of apologetics. How do I offer practical help and hope based on God’s Word and found in Jesus Christ?

At the 2015 Answers for Women conference, we’ll hear from women who have walked these paths themselves and have found that the help they need comes only through Jesus Christ and His Word. (I’ll be detailing more about our speakers and their topics in future blogs.)

Join us as they share compassionate answers from God’s Word that give us practical ways we can embrace those who are hurting. The solid biblical teaching will nourish your mind and heart and equip you to be a loving witness for Jesus Christ. We also will have times of worship and a new drama centered on the life of a survivor of the Titanic.

Don’t delay and register today! Early bird pricing ends February 1st. In addition to all the great teaching, the price includes lunch on Saturday and a two-day Creation Museum admission for attendees, their spouse, and children who accompany them for the conference. Husbands, this would make a great early Mother’s Day gift!

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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