Answers for Women Conferences—Becoming Women’s Conference of Choice for Many

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on May 31, 2014

In early May, Answers in Genesis hosted the third annual Answers for Women Conference at the Creation Museum, and it was a tremendous success! Every year the conference grows, and this year we were pleased to have over 350 women in attendance from 26 states and Canada. I talked with two women who drove 2,000 miles one way from Manitoba to come to the conference! It was also great to see so many familiar faces of women returning for the second and third time for the conference.

This year’s theme was “After Eve: The Bible and Women.” The speakers did not disappoint, sharing with us from God’s Word how to be godly women in an ungodly world. We learned what it means to be a woman made in God’s image, the impact of feminism on the society and the church, and even dealt with the so-called “problem” passages related to women in Scripture. Here are some photos from the conference:

Answers for Women Answers for Women Answers for Women

There was a lot of positive feedback, and I wanted to share with you just some of those comments so you could see how God is using this conference in the lives of many women.

I feel so blessed that I was able to come to the After Eve conference. It has motivated me to be in the Word more and to strive to be the woman God created me to be.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for putting together such an awesome conference. In all my years of being a Christian I have never been to such an edifying and informative conference. The emphasis on the Word was refreshing. So many ‘Christian' resources have forgotten the Word and it is sad. I have already invited people to join me next year!
I have never in 18 years been to a women’s conference that has been so informative and essential to my everyday life and struggles as a woman!
I love how EVERY single session was rooted in Scripture and refinement hurts but I felt personal growth with God.
I have never been disappointed by any teaching from AiG. I was overwhelmed with a profound love for Eve. I’ve always held her in low esteem and my total view of her has changed. I can’t wait to meet her.
I really appreciate Dr. Purdom facilitating this conference. It is now my conference of choice. I can only attend 1 per year. I’ve been the last 2 years and plan on coming next year. I look forward to the conference all year. I believe this event will continue to grow!
I have attended a certain Christian women’s conference before coming here 3 years ago. That conference seemed like fluff after coming here and being fed the meat of the Bible. PRAISE GOD FOR THIS CONFERENCE!
The content exceeded my expectation! Each year I leave thinking that this conference was the best I’ve been to.
This is my third year attending the conference. I make the effort to attend this conference because the material is NOT fluff!
First conference, had high expectations because Answers in Genesis was sponsoring it- expectations exceeded! Quality of speakers, topics outstanding! I liked very much that my husband and children could attend free. Very helpful!
Foundation of Scripture and the content shared is “meaty” and needed. This was an awesome refreshing conference that has helped to grow and strengthen Christians for a lifetime. Not just a conference that’s emotional and “fluffy” and stays with the participant for a short period of time. Overall it has been a wonderful strengthening time for me. We brought 18 ladies from our church and plan to return.
Think this was a great conference- loved that it was so Bible based! LOVED CORRIE TEN BOOM. Loved the discount for materials- was able to get things for my daughter, grandson and myself because of it. Thanks so much for everyone who works to take care of the museum and who work so hard to put on a seminar like this. Appreciate it all- from janitorial staff, people in bookstore and sales area- to those that spoke to us. Everyone was extremely helpful and friendly.
I wanted some good spiritual meat to chew on- I got it! Thanks!
This trip was my Mother’s Day gift. I’m so thankful to have invested this time and money into such a worthwhile event.
Did a great job at covering current issues that I face in my personal life and ministry.
The assurance that there still are true believers that teach Bible truths without compromise. Resources available were awesome.
All the teachers tied back to the Word showing how much power we have as women using verses to back it up. And how if we throw out Genesis 1-11 we have no foundation.
I love how formally educated most of the speakers were. They confirmed my core beliefs about my role as a godly woman. I loved the Corrie Ten Boom drama. It was so mesmerizing and special.

It was very encouraging to see how many women plan on making this conference their women’s conference of choice and plan on returning next year. No pressure on me!

The theme for next year’s Answers for Women conference will be “Embrace: Compassionate Answers for Helping the Hurting.” The speakers we have lined up are amazing and will equip us with practical, biblically based answers for the challenges we face in our homes, church, and culture like homosexuality, abortion, and others. The conference will be April 17–18 at the Creation Museum (hopefully this earlier date will conflict less with graduations and other springtime activities). Be watching for more information soon!

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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