Praying for Revival at True Woman 2012

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on September 27, 2012

Last week for three days, 8000+ Christian women met in Indianapolis for the True Woman conference (sponsored by Revive Our Hearts) to learn how to be godly women from God’s Word and to pray for revival in our homes, churches, nation, and world. I enjoyed hearing some great Bible teachers like Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Mary Kassian and the very culturally relevant and no-nonsense presentations given by Janet Parshall. Keith and Kristyn Getty provided spectacular music (their director stopped by our booth and gave me a free CD, which I’m really enjoying!).

My friend Stacia (AiG VBS Director) and I “manned” the booth for AiG and the Creation Museum. Two years ago when I attended True Woman conferences, about 30 to 40 percent of people had never heard of us. This time could not have been more different! I would say less than five percent were unfamiliar with us. The ladies all received 50 percent off admission to the museum in their conference bags, and we hope many will take advantage of it. Hundreds of women signed up for our contest to win an annual family pass to the Creation Museum.

It seemed like there was a constant stream of people at the booth, and we were very busy restocking our give-away items like newsletters, Answers for Kids magazine inserts, and the Already Gone DVD. We brought several resources to sell, and by the end of the conference we had sold out of all our children’s items and all but one copy of How Do We Know the Bible is True? These women were definitely interested in equipping themselves and their children!

Many, many women gave testimonies as to the importance of the Answers in Genesis ministry in their lives. Here are just a few (that I had time to jot down!).

  • One woman shared with me that she works at a camp for eight- and nine-year-old kids from troubled homes, and they had used a Buddy Davis CD for the music portion of the camp. She said the kids responded to the music in ways they had never witnessed before. By the end of the camp the kids were upset if the song director tried to skip a song on the CD, and they would end up singing the whole CD every time they had a meeting! God was using Buddy’s music to make a difference in the lives of these kids.
  • Several people recognized me and said they were fans of my resources , blogs, or Facebook page. One woman specifically thanked me for producing the rebuttal video to Bill Nye. I don’t say these things to glorify myself but rather to give God the glory that these different methods are reaching Christians and encouraging and equipping them.
  • One woman shared that she and her family had visited a lot of museums but that ours was the most memorable. She said even years later her kids will say, “Remember when we did or saw . . . at the Creation Museum?”
  • A mom shared with me how thankful she was for our resources. She said they had really helped her 10-year-old, and she thinks he knows more about evolution and creation then she does! She told me that she understands the importance of teaching these issues to kids starting with God’s Word.
  • One woman wanted to know how to share creation apologetics with her church. She thought of bulletin inserts but I suggested showing clips from our Answers DVD series or the Creation Museum DVD series before the church service begins. She said that would probably appeal more to the media-rich culture of young people but she had never thought of that before.
  • Several people praised our Answers VBS. I overheard one woman tell her friend that her church had used our VBS for a couple years and she hoped they would never use anything else!
As I thought about the revival theme of the conference and AiG's desire to equip and educate Christians about the authority and truth of God’s Word, I realized how necessary one is for the other. Revival can happen in this nation but only if Christians unashamedly stand on the authority and truth of God’s Word. This is what will truly challenge and change the culture for Christ.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the next Answers for Women conference at the Creation Museum, May 3–4, 2013. Husbands and children of women who attend the conference will receive free admission to the Creation Museum! Mary Mohler (wife of Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Seminary), Steve Ham, and I will be speaking along with others. We moved the conference to a Friday and Saturday to make it easier to attend. Husbands, this makes a great birthday, anniversary, or Christmas gift for your wife! Watch for more information coming soon. (You can read about our first Answers for Women conference here and here.)

The Indianapolis Convention Center was nearly full!

Our eye-catching booths

Empty racks at our resource table!

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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