A Price Worth Paying

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on September 8, 2011

Recently I was interviewed for an apologetics radio show called A Place of Grace. The host of the show, Donna Lou Shickel, is a Christian committed to helping other Christians defend their faith. Donna recently aired the two half-hour shows for which I was the guest and sent me this email:

I pray you are doing well, and that God blesses and protects you and your family. I think the second half of the interview turned out even better than the first. The messages definitely struck a nerve with people, because I've had some cancellations for speaking engagements at area churches, and one actually contacted me to request that I come (as advertised) and sing, but not speak! They want the draw to their church with my attendance, but don't want to offend anyone.

The same happens every time I confront the controversial issues that SHOULD matter to Christians, but most that were once friends now keep their distance. Even relatives ask that I just go back to "entertaining" because people don't want to hear that stuff I'm dealing with on the radio show. I know we are storing treasures in Heaven when we are persecuted, but it's always harder than I expect when it comes.

But praise be to God, Jesus promised a hundred times the friends, family, property, etc. that we give up for Him. What I have found to be true, is that that manifests in 100 times HIS friendship. So I thank you again for your sacrifice. I'll pray you will stay strong, and persevere in these challenging but wonderful days to serve our Lord!

I was shocked and saddened to think that speaking the truth about God’s Word had led to some of her speaking engagements (part of her livelihood) being canceled. Yet, this type of scenario is becoming more common in the Christian community as it compromises on God’s truth. I sent her back an email with some encouraging words and asked if I could use her email in my blog. This was her reply:

Dr. Purdom, I would be honored for you to share this in your blog. . . . Anything to make clear to people that our faith and relationship in Christ is worth exactly what it costs us, and that where we stand now with Him is where we should plan to stand forever - one way or the other. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! [Joshua 24:15]

Donna believes that proclaiming the truth of God’s Word is a price worth paying, and I wholeheartedly agree. I ask you to please lift up Donna and her ministry in your prayers and tune in to her radio show. You can hear my interview with Donna by going to her website, clicking on Podcasts, and then clicking on issues 34 and 35.


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