Great Ministry at Defending the Faith Conference

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on August 3, 2010

It has been a crazy two weeks, as you might have guessed since I didn’t even have a chance to blog last week. My family had a great time at the Defending the Faith Conference in Tennessee. I spoke to a packed audience of women three times on Tuesday and received very positive feedback. It was a great launching point for our Answers for Women outreach. One lady told me that she had never been to a women’s conference where so much Scripture was integrated into the presentations. That was a great compliment! If we are going to stand on the authority of God’s Word, then we need to know what it says concerning the topics we addressed of womanhood, marriage, and parenting. It was humbling in many aspects as I was speaking to many women who had been married longer than I have, had more children, or been a parent longer. However, I hope I was able to share some wisdom I have gained through my experiences and equip women to equip their children with the truth of God’s Word.

I was also able to sit in on some of the other sessions by speakers like Ken Ham, Dave Menton, Herb Samworth, Bill Jack, Voddie Baucham, and others. They brought a wealth of information from so many areas, and you couldn’t help but be energized and passionate about the truth of God’s Word.

It was a pleasure to have my husband Chris and daughter Elizabeth with me at the conference. They enjoyed coming to the sessions, and in the afternoons and evenings, we were able to have some fun at the local tourist attractions. Elizabeth especially liked “panning” for gems. She’s amazed by all the pretty colors that can come from a bag of dirt, rocks and sand (my husband also enjoys panning in real life!) The weather was hotter than I would have liked, but I shouldn’t complain because I dislike the cold even more!

If you didn’t have a chance to attend this year’s conference, I hope you’ll make plans to attend our Mega Conference in 2011 that will be held very close to the Creation Museum.


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