The Red River Gorge Hike Is Coming Soon!

by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner on March 29, 2021

In a recent blog, I talked about the upcoming inaugural Answers in Genesis field trip to Red River Gorge on April 9. That is less than two weeks away! I love Red River, and I’m excited to share my enthusiasm and knowledge of the Gorge with others. There is a limit to how many people can go on this trip, and space is filling up. The deadline for registration is April 6, so if you want to join us, please hurry and register.

In my previous blog, I shared photos of three arches we will visit on this trip, Rock Bridge (my favorite!), Sky Bridge, and Gray’s Arch. These are three of what I call “the Big Four,” the easily accessible large arches in Red River. In this blog, I feature additional photos of Rock Bridge and Sky Bridge, plus photos of two other places we will visit: Princess Arch and Creation Falls. Princess Arch is what I would call a medium-sized arch. I also included a photo of me sitting beside Haystack Hobbit Hole. This small arch is not easy to get to, so we won’t be visiting this one.

1 of 5
  • Rockbridge


This was not the first time I’ve written about Red River Gorge. I first blogged about the Gorge in 2014, more than six years ago. That was my first hiking in the Gorge after a three-decade hiatus. In the last couple of years, I’ve made up for lost time with many day trips to Red River. My hiking buddy and I have now seen more than 160 arches in the Gorge. We have a few hundred more to go.

I’m putting my experience to good use: I’m writing a guide to arches of Red River Gorge. My hiking buddy and I have developed a five-point scale for evaluating arches, with five being the best. Our system is subjective, with higher ratings given for larger arches, but we also consider beauty and symmetry. Since Rock Bridge, Sky Bridge, and Gray’s Arch are some of the best that Red River has to offer, we have given each of them a rating of 5. We’ve rated Princess Arch a 4. On the hike, I expect to visit some smaller arches. Most of them will have ratings of 1 or 2. So, with a range in the kind of arches we’ll see, a great overlook, and a waterfall, this will be quite a trip. Why don’t you join us? For registration, click here.

I almost forgot. In my earlier blog about this trip, I promised a bottle of Cheerwine for everyone. As you can see in the photo, I already bought the Cheerwine. I’ll have them on ice to drink with lunch.




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