The New Narrative

Part 2 of “The Shadow League”

by Calvin Smith on September 25, 2024
Featured in Calvin Smith Blog

In Part 1, we began an examination of why Western culture is experiencing such massive change and moral collapse recently and began to explore how those currently in control of education and media may have directly affected such change.

We identified that Western culture was once recognized as uniquely distinct from other cultures primarily because of the infusion of biblical teaching within it, influencing not only its concept of law, ethics, and morality but even its art, architecture, and everyday activities. We also pointed out that all Christian doctrines (directly or indirectly) are founded in the book of Genesis.

The Bible No Longer the Benchmark in the Western World

At one time, the Bible influenced almost every aspect of life in the West, demonstrated in its six-day societal work schedule followed by a day of rest (reflective of the creation week described in Genesis), belief in the family as the primary unit in society (also established in Genesis), and expressed in its two primary holidays (Christmas and Easter) celebrating the Messiah who provided a way to be saved from sin and death (also introduced in the book of beginnings in Genesis 3), etc.

Today, that foundation has been almost completely overturned, with cultural norms such as typical roles for males and females, marriage between one man and one woman as a permanent covenant, sanctity of life, rewards for good deeds and punishment for crimes, etc. (all which were originally based on Scripture) being turned on their heads.

For example, gender identity is the new “hot potato” topic in culture, with many people declaring an inability to even define what a woman is while simultaneously defending the idea that a biological male can become a woman (whatever that is) simply through exercising belief in that idea, or worse—through irreparable surgical procedures and life-changing hormonal treatments.

And because of the abandonment of belief in men and women being uniquely created as complementary partners, the whole institution of marriage has, of course, now been redefined. Abortion is rampant in the West, with many now calling for “after-birth abortion” (i.e., infanticide) to be allowed—some suggesting up to two years after a child is born!1

Countries like my own (Canada) have instituted horrific procedures such as our Medical Assistance in Dying (M.A.i.D.) program, which is a euthanasia platform that is constantly being expanded to target more and more of our population, including the elderly and mentally challenged children, many who have no advocate and can’t defend or speak out for themselves.

And our system of law which used to harshly punish rapists and murderers has now been watered down to the point where degenerates are often given a slap on the wrist, all while many liberal types are calling for severe consequences for those that they deem guilty of “hate crimes.”

When asked for a definition of hate crimes, it often comes down to nothing more than someone disagreeing with whatever new, made-up, word-salad ideology they created last week.

Societal Transformation

Now, this societal transformation has been admitted to and reported on by not only popular conservative social commentators such as Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, or my fellow Canadian Dr. Jordan Peterson (each with different takes on how or why to explain it) but also by many high-profile Christians as well.

One such example is the well-respected Dr. Albert Mohler. If you are unfamiliar with him, the “About” page on his own website states,

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. serves as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary—the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world.

Dr. Mohler has been recognized by such influential publications as Time, calling him the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S.”2

Now, as a Canadian, you might be wondering why I’m citing several US sources. The reason is that out of all of the so-called Western countries, I think almost everyone would concede that the US has been the most “Christianized” in the past. So what is going on there directly relates to the rest of Western culture.

In a 2008 Christian Post article discussing the decline of Christendom in America, Mohler made the following statement.

A remarkable culture-shift has taken place around us. The most basic contours of American culture have been radically altered. The so-called Judeo-Christian consensus of the last millennium has given way to a post-modern, post-Christian, post-Western cultural crisis which threatens the very heart of our culture.3

Now he was simply stating the obvious, really something anyone even remotely aware of church history and paying attention to Western culture could do. However, he began to identify the “why” behind all of this with more specificity in a statement he made to author Jon Meacham after that (contained in a Newsweek article discussing the first).

When Mohler and I spoke in the days after he wrote this, he had grown even gloomier. “Clearly, there is a new narrative, a post-Christian narrative, that is animating large portions of this society.”4

The New Narrative

And here Mohler hits it right on the head. There’s a new narrative out there, and it’s not a Christian-based narrative. And it’s changed Western culture at a fundamental level.

There’s a new narrative out there, and it’s not a Christian-based narrative.

Now what’s a narrative? Well, let me highlight the word here on my computer, scroll down, and hit “synonyms.” And what do we see? Story, tale, account, description, chronicle, history, plot, storyline.

That’s right, there’s a brand-new story out there that has been accepted by large portions of the population in the West and has overturned belief in the history contained in the Bible to various degrees. And what is that story that has so captured the minds of people in the West?

Well, I think Bible skeptic F. Sherwood Taylor (British historian of science, museum curator, chemist, and past director of the Science Museum in London) spoke as directly to the matter as anyone could when he was asked what he thought ‘changed his country (England) from a Christian to a pagan nation’. His response?

I myself have little doubt that in England it was geology and the theory of evolution that changed us from a Christian to a pagan nation.5

Two Contradicting Histories

And there you have it—that new narrative that Mohler was speaking about (whether he fully knew it or not) is the story of evolution. This is the narrative that is taught as the supposed real history explaining all of reality—from kindergarten classes all the way to the highest levels of our universities now, to practically every student—as fact and science.

The story of evolution (again, an account of what supposedly happened in the past) claims an entirely different history took place on earth in direct contradiction to the Genesis account and all the other specific and prolific references to it contained throughout Scripture.

We need to understand that the concept of evolution has been applied to every aspect of reality: cosmic, geological, chemical, biological, and human evolution.

So, rather than the true history of the Bible stating that everything was created from nothing (ex nihilo) by God approximately 6,000 years ago, that man is a special creation made in the image of God, and that we live in a fallen world awaiting a coming judgment and full restoration of all things, we now have a narrative that currently states the universe came into existence some 14 plus billion years ago from some kind of cosmic explosion, with the earth forming approximately 4.5 billion years ago.

It also claims life as being nothing more than the result of chemical evolution some 3.5 billion years ago, from which the supposed first life-form slowly changed, and its offspring transformed into every living thing that has ever been on the planet (including us) through purely naturalistic processes.

This narrative—drawn to its ultimate conclusion—also states that due to the laws of entropy, the entire universe will eventually suffer heat death, we’ll all be gone, and no one will even know we ever existed.

Again, these two narratives—the biblical account of creation and the story of evolution—are in complete contradiction to one another. And it’s easy to understand that the average person concludes very different things regarding their beliefs about all of reality.

The Story of Evolution and Its Influence

A clear example of this juxtaposition can be seen in this quote from a 2004 Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV production promoting the story of evolution and commenting on how it has changed people’s beliefs in the West.

Once we believed we were unique, blessed with a soul and lovingly created by God in His image. Today, evolution says we are just a product of Natural Selection, the descendants of primitive bacteria, not the children of God.6

So, you see the conclusion, it’s pretty obvious. We used to believe we were special—children of God and accountable to him for our actions—but now “science” has shown we’re just evolved animals. This has some very specific existential ramifications if you truly believe that history is true.

For example, metaphysically, there is no one watching over us and all that we do, and there’s no real account of universal rights or wrongs going on. As a matter of fact, if there is no God, there isn’t an absolute basis for right or wrong, just individual opinions based on chemicals fizzing around randomly in people’s brains and various events that happen. Some benefit certain organisms and some don’t.

So ultimately, in this worldview, there will be no judgment when you die. And that is a very attractive proposition for sinners. As atheist Jeremy Rifkin put it so succinctly,

We no longer feel ourselves to be guests in someone else’s home and therefore obliged to make our behavior conform with a set of pre-existing cosmic rules. It is our creation now. We make the rules. . . . We no longer have to justify our behavior, for we are now the architects of the universe. We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves, for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever and ever.7

In a big-picture sense, this means exactly what atheist Dr. William B. Provine (the former professor of biological sciences at Cornell University [now deceased]) stated regarding his belief in this same “new narrative.”

Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear. . . . There are no gods, no purposes, no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That’s the end for me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning to life, and no free will for humans, either.8

Even more frighteningly, we now have clearly articulated examples from people who take the ideas espoused by our modern educators to their ultimate and logical conclusions, such as this chillingly thought-out statement from the most notorious serial killer of all time, the cannibalistic Jeffrey Dahmer.

If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing.9

He made this admission publicly on the Dateline NBC TV program, as to his thinking process while committing the horrific acts he did. And while some might disparage my use of his comment as hyperbolic and see his statement as an extreme extension of his belief in the story of evolution, the problem is that no one can rightly criticize his reasoning as being illogical or inconsistent with his beliefs at the time. He was, in fact, being extremely logical.

The New Narrative Is Now Mainstream

As I mentioned, this new historical narrative is being pushed through the state-run school systems and media in the West 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and has been done for generations now.

Any dissent or pushback against it gets quickly squashed and rejected vigorously with accusations ranging from religious bigotry to science denial and even child abuse being leveled against any of those who dare teach against it.

So do you remember George Orwell’s quote I used in Part 1?

Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.10

Are you starting to see the significance of who’s in charge of controlling people’s view of the past now? Those controlling education and the media have taught people a completely different view of origins (our past) and that narrative is undergirding the chaos we observe today. Because if you remove the foundation of any structure, it will surely collapse.

If you remove the foundation of any structure, it will surely collapse.

Have you noticed the statues being torn down? Are you seeing the removal of books from libraries? Are you noticing online censorship where AI programs decide what information is permissible for you to see?

Are you seeing revisionist history being taught to schoolchildren attacking patriotism by shaming the foundations of their own countries, all along with anti-science ideologies to do with gender and identity attacking the concept of created norms as well?

These are just symptomatic of the changes brought about by the teaching of this new narrative (the story of evolution) where God either supposedly doesn’t exist or—even if he does—his Bible can’t be trusted as plainly written and so really isn’t authoritative, which means man decides what truth is and is in control of everything.

Indeed, just as Orwell said, those in control of the present (in education and media) are definitely in control of what is taught about the past, and that teaching has and will continue to affect future generations (in the West and around the world) toward an anti-Christian and correspondingly anti-Western worldview for as long as it continues.

Now I know what many of you might be thinking: if the story of evolution is just science, then we simply have to deal with the facts no matter how disturbing the results might be toward our perception of reality and society, etc.

But what we’ll demonstrate (in Part 3 and beyond) is how removed from science the story of evolution actually is and how ideologically driven it has been from its very conception, and we’ll begin revealing some key players who were involved in it being very firmly and strategically established—and then institutionalized—in the West. All are purposefully executed in direct contradiction to the Word of God.


  1. Wesley J. Smith, “Peter Singer Says Full Moral Status Not Earned by Babies ‘Until After 2 Years,’” First Things, November 23, 2010,
  2. Albert Mohler, “About,” accessed September 19, 2024,
  3. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., “Transforming Culture: Christian Truth Confronts Post-Christian America,” The Christian Post, March 3, 2008,
  4. Jon Meacham, “Meacham: The End of Christian America,” Newsweek, last updated October 27, 2017,
  5. F. Sherwood Taylor, “Geology Changes the Outlook,” in Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians (London: Sylvan Press Ltd., 1949), 195 (one of a series of talks broadcast on BBC radio).
  6. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Testing God (three-part series), March 2004.
  7. Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny (New York, NY: Viking Press, 1983), 244.
  8. William B. Provine, Origins Research 16, no. 1 (1994): 9.
  9. NBC, Dateline, November 29, 1994.
  10. George Orwell, 1984 (Secker & Warburg, 1949), 34.

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