New CD and DVD, and Some Other Fun Projects

by Buddy Davis on December 12, 2013
Featured in Buddy Davis Blog

Wow! This year has really gone by quickly. We are grateful to the Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. We are looking forward to another year of serving in the ministry of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum.

If you are on Facebook at all, check out my Facebook page. I post a Scripture verse every day and share what is happening with my ministry and life around our cabin. Many of you know that I live in Amish country, so we often share photos of events that are happening in our area.

New CD Available

Songs of Life, Love, and Faith
I would like to share with you some of the new materials we have been working on. I just finished and released my nineteenth album, called Songs of Life, Love, and Faith. This CD is filled with story songs relating to events in my own life, upholding the family and family values. There are three songs that I wrote for my wife Kay and one song I wrote for our adopted daughter Lydia. There are also some songs about critters—a grizzly bear, a mule named Missy, and my old hound dog Roscoe. Of course, I always have songs to glorify and uplift Jesus Christ our Lord.

I am excited because this year my songs are now available on iTunes, and three of my songs were on the national radio charts.

Extreme Caving DVD

Extreme Caving DVD
Our new DVD Extreme Caving is selling very well—it is the third in our “Amazing Adventures” series. This DVD—which comes with a free poster inside—is a family show that teaches about caves, how they relate to Noah’s Flood, and some of the cool formations and animals that live inside. We want to thank Mammoth Cave and Cumberland Caverns for allowing us to film there. We want to especially thank master caver Robby Black for doing an excellent job helping to film in these very difficult conditions.

Other Fun Projects

The film crew at AiG is currently working on a music DVD that was filmed at our cabin and around the area where we live. At this time, I am not sure of the release date.

Right now we are working on scheduling of the fourth “Amazing Adventures” DVD, which we plan to shoot in early spring on the Last Frontier—Alaska.

Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl

Our daughter Lydia has started a book series about her adventures with Kay and me. This series is titled “Creation Quest” and it has two plot lines in each book. The books are written for children from ages 7 to 70! She also has just now finished the audio of the first book, Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl. It has sound effects, too, and I believe children will enjoy listening to this audio book filled with creation teaching on long rides in the car or at bedtime. Check out and for more information on this book series.

We are putting the final touches on our new workshop for the Creation Museum titled, “Cool Animals of the Ice Age.” We will be doing this workshop every day we are at the museum. The new workshop will start sometime in January. Check out the Creation Museum schedule to find out when I will be there.

The workshop will include teaching and a sculpturing craft of an ice age animal that folks can take home. Note: This workshop is enjoyed by all ages. It lasts about an hour and I would love to have you join us.

Dire Wolf

Following the workshop, I will be doing a family concert at 3:00 PM each day I am at the museum. I love being at the museum and meeting all of the wonderful guests that come to visit. We have a great time. To God be the glory!

I am also working on a children’s book about the Ice Age. It will have cartoons, realistic pictures, and information concerning this event in history.

And lastly, we are doing a number of concerts and speaking engagements across the country. I hope to see you at one of them!


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