Answers VBS Goes International

by Answers VBS April 11, 2016

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As Christians, we should be prepared to share the Good News of Christ wherever we go. Last summer, a church from Florida did just that as they ministered to children in Romania using Answers VBS.

Early in the summer, we worked with the church to enable them to translate many of the teaching posters and elements into Romanian. And then 15 church members left for a Christian camp in Romania where they ran five days of Answers VBS Camp Kilimanjaro (our 2015 theme). Joel Good, a friend of the Answers VBS team, led his group in displaying the love of Jesus Christ to over 60 children from local churches and orphanages.

We had the opportunity to hear a little bit about their mission trip, and were encouraged to see how God worked in many lives during this week of VBS in Romania.

We learned that a few days before the trip, Joel’s pastor asked Joel to teach the Bible lessons to the kids each day during VBS. Worried about the responsibility and about speaking through an interpreter, Joel cried out, “God, I can’t do this!” He confessed that he didn’t see himself gifted in this area. Through prayer, he realized that this was what God was calling him to do and said, “Lord, I surrender. I’ll do this [even though] I think I’ll struggle.”

Joel went on to explain to us that the kids latched on to every word he said and lives were changed! Showing Christ’s love to the kids was his favorite part of the trip, and the hardest part, he said, was leaving Romania when the week was over.

The kids loved Camp Kilimanjaro VBS, and we pray they grew closer to Christ as a result. Following the success of the trip, this church is now making plans to bring VBS to the Dominican Republic. And Joel hopes to make it back to Romania again in the years to come.

Mission Opportunities

We encourage you to consider serving kids through VBS in another part of the country or even across the globe like Joel’s church did. Here are some ministries you could contact about taking VBS abroad.

Camp Kilimanjaro Discounted!

Are you looking for a budget-friendly way to get everything you need for a mission trip or your church’s VBS? Select Camp Kilimanjaro VBS items are 40% off, including Starter and Super Starter kits, for a limited time.

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