Meals and Message of Hope Sent to Africa

by International Outreach on November 12, 2015

Recently AiG staff were greatly encouraged from the visit of Children’s Hunger Fund CEO Dave Phillips. Dave spent the morning with our staff and announced the success of the partnership of this year’s mission campaign through AiG’s Camp Kilimanjaro VBS. Each year Answers in Genesis raises funds as a part of the VBS program in churches to provide meals for people facing poverty. Most of the meals this year went to the continent of Africa because of the theming of the VBS program, but some will also be distributed in the Ukraine through the Slavic Gospel Association (SGA). The ongoing partnership between CHF, SGA, and AiG has been used by God to deliver help to needy people along with gospel hope through the delivery of tracts and the care of the local church.

Children’s Hunger Fund Display

One of the reasons that AiG has partnered with the Children’s Hunger Fund is that they never work alone. CHF is serious about the mission of the local church, and all food parcels are delivered through the local church in the areas of need. The embrace of the church has led to many people coming to Christ and being discipled in a loving and caring fellowship of believers. Dave also shared with the staff one particular testimony of a lady from West Africa who was about to commit suicide only to be met by a member of the local church with a care package. The immediate despair of not finding her next meal was confronted by Christ-like love in a member of the local church delivering help in food and hope in the gospel. This lady and her whole family, including her husband who had once abandoned her, came to salvation in Christ and are still a part of that local church body.

The partnership between AiG, CHF, and SGA, which is an initiative of our International Outreach Department, has so far seen over 1.8 million meals provided for people in great need. We thank God that He has used these three organizations for His glory and the spread of His gospel.

Please take time to see this short video from Dave Phillips and the CHF team, and we encourage you to consider the wonderful work that the Lord is doing through the ministries of Children Hunger Fund and the Slavic Gospel Association.

We would also like to remind you that for every set of the AiG/CHF tracts you purchase in English, it helps to provide more translated tracts to be delivered through CHF food parcels and the local church around the world. Please consider asking your pastor or children’s ministry coordinator about using Ocean Commotion Answers VBS 2016 (now available for pre-order) so that you and your church can take part in this exciting outreach.


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