What's the Church Coming to?

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I just read the article about the booth at the NEA convention. I am so excited the materials from AiG will be given to those who might be interested and truly seeking for some answers.

Dear AiG,

I just read the article about the booth at the NEA convention. I am so excited the materials from AiG will be given to those who might be interested and truly seeking for some answers for their students (and themselves)! I beleive this issue will make or break the next generation of this country. The church must believe the Bible or it ceases to be "The Church" but a religious social gathering. I am currently attending a local university and plan on entering the teaching profession. It is encouraging to me to see the presence of AiG at the convention! Please stay encouraged because the message of Genesis and the message of Salvation are linked and vital to the church and the world. I have used many of AiG's materials in my church and the teens I taught have told me over and over it helped them to hold fast to their faith in a public school setting. One student even had his Biology teacher tell him that he (the teacher) was reconsidering his belief in evolution and wanted to seek out more information!

Thank you for all you do! The Lord bless all who work so hard to get the message of creation out!

In Christ,
Jill Chapman


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