Our Christmas Treasure

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by Libby Wild on December 21, 2017

Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44)

I love the parable of the man who found a treasure and how he found it so desirable that he would do whatever it took to obtain it. He sold all his earthly belongings because they didn’t compare to what he had found.

I met a man just recently here in the jungle who came to visit our home village from one of the outreach villages; when I heard his testimony, it reminded me of this parable.

This man held a government job, had a lot of status, and was considered a very rich man in his context. He said that when he heard the full teaching, starting in Genesis all the way through the life, death, and burial of Christ, he believed and put his faith in Jesus, the Redeemer. As our Bible teachers continued to teach through the New Testament, this man continued to learn and came to love the Word of God. He didn’t want to be pulled or distracted by worldly things, so he left his government position and the riches that came with it to seek after God and what he would have him do with his life. He is so excited about God’s Word that he is now training to be a Bible teacher and desires to share his new found “treasure” with other hamlets that have not yet heard.

Our Christmas Treasure

Every day of the year we ought to live with the joy of Jesus’ life. Our Emmanuel, God with us, came to live among man. During his time on earth, he lived a blameless life. He healed the sick. He taught the common people. He ate with sinners. He fed the multitudes. He was crucified on a Cross not for a crime he committed, but for the sins each of us committed. He was buried and then was victorious over death, rising from his grave so that we too may find life in him. This treasure, far more desirable than anything this world has to offer, has been made possible because of Jesus!

Much love this Christmas season from the Wild family to yours!

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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