Unexplored Wilderness

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by Asher Wild on April 12, 2016; last featured May 25, 2017
Misty Mountain

Where I live, there is so much unexplored jungle, and it is so tempting to go and try to discover things. As I write this article, I am listening to some relaxing music and sitting on our window seat in the school room. I am looking out at Misty Mountain (that’s what our family calls it), and I can’t help but wonder what interesting and unknown things are up there. It's always misty and rainy there, and the peak is around 12,000 feet. Recently, some tribal friends went on a hunting trip to Misty Mountain, and when they got back they said that there are all these small ponds and big white rock ledges up near the peak.

I have gone up the mountain once for a four-day expedition to try to reach the summit, but we ended up not getting to the highest peak because up on the ridge that leads to the top there is no water. We carried water with us, but after days of hiking it ran out, and we prayed for rain so that we could refill our water containers, but no rain came. So, we had to do something pretty crazy to get water, but I am not going to tell you right now since it’s in Adventure 4 of the Wild Brothers DVD series. You will have to watch the DVD to see what we did!

Kian hiking

I would love to have my own helicopter for a lot of reasons, but one would be to be able to fly out to the middle of the jungle and get dropped off. I would hike and set trail cameras and leave them for a year, and then come back and see if they captured anything cool on video. But I am sure that I will get to do a lot of interesting things like that in the future. For right now, I am just focusing on school and taking small trips here and there with my brothers.

Boys hiking

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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