Comfort Food

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by Libby Wild on October 8, 2015

Our tribal friends have their sweet potato, our national friends have their rice, and we just can’t help but long for a nice fresh slice of bread. The boys in my house love homemade bread. One loaf lasts a very short time. We had a visitor once who watched me pull pan after pan of baked goods out of the oven and said I should time how long it all lasted. Most everything was gone by the next day. Oh well, such is life, right? Good things come and good things get eaten!

Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread

I remember the lady who taught me to make bread. She said, “You can’t make bread for just yourself; you have to share”. I listened to her, and my tribal neighbors enjoy bread now too. I can’t help but cater to our tribal grandma; she is so special to our whole team. So when she gets sick I often ask her what she is hungry for. “Do you want the bread that is cut (loaf bread) or the wide bread (tortilla)?” I am a lot like my mom, and if someone is sick the obvious response is to cook.

When I first came to this country, bread was comforting because it is from our home culture in the US. It reminded me of home, family, and friends. To a certain extent it will always be that way. However, now I think of all the cheers from the Wild boys when they see the dough rising. I think of the warmth coming from the old wood stove. I think of the great smell coming out from the oven. So now, baking bread also reminds me of my tribal family, friends, and home in the jungle.

*The views expressed by the Wild family are their own and not necessarily those of Answers in Genesis.

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