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Unformed and Unfilled

A Critique of the Gap Theory

Written by Weston W. Fields
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  • Format: Softcover
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 8"
  • Length: 245 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Burgener Enterprises
  • Published: 1997
  • ID: 1000012
  • SKU: 10-2-046
  • ISBN: 9780890514238
  • UPC:

Unformed and Unfilled is the best and most detailed critique of the Gap theory available. The author looks at the inconsistencies of this position and shows that the Hebrew language in Genesis does not allow for such a gap.


Many Christians over the years have tried to fit millions of years and the dinosaurs, etc. in a gap between the first two verses of Genesis. This author looks at the inconsistencies of this position and shows that the Hebrew language in Genesis does not allow for such a gap.

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Weston W. Fields

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