Today, Monday, May 6, marks the last day of the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust in the US. In Hebrew, the day is often called Yom HaShoah (which means Holocaust Day) to remember the more than six million Jews murdered in Nazi Germany’s concentration camps. But since that’s not the topic of this article, why did I mention it? Well, because a recent news item looked at IVF, abortion, and eugenics in connection with the recent Alabama Supreme Court case.
As I stated in the above-linked blog, “We have pointed out for years that typical IVF procedures destroy human life on a regular basis as a standard practice. Babies are graded, and only the ones deemed most ‘viable’ are implanted. Babies that show signs of a genetic abnormality; are less ‘fit’; or, perhaps, are the sex the parents don’t want are routinely discarded (killed). Or consider the fate of embryos who had siblings implanted and now mom and dad are finished having babies . . .”
Those children will either be discarded (aborted) or continue to be kept in cold storage. This procedure and the callousness in regard to human life (especially the abortion industry) really is an evil holocaust against the unborn.
According to most pro-life sites that track medical abortion statistics, there have been close to 65 million abortions performed in the US since 1973. But that is not even counting discarded IVF embryos which actually equates to abortion.
Now, don’t get me wrong here, there are some couples who desperately want to have children, and IVF is the only way in a sin-cursed world that the mother can conceive. However, since the process itself often tends toward discarding unused embryos (thus taking the life of a baby who is an image bearer of God), couples should also consider adoption as an alternative or request that any unused embryos go to a Christian adoption agency since there are options available for those embryos (children, as defined by God) rather than being discarded. Back in 2016, Answers magazine featured a special article on a Christian embryo adoption program. Inside the web article is the organization’s name and a link to their website. If you or someone you know still has frozen embryos, we strongly encourage you to discuss this option.
Unborn babies are not “blobs of tissue” but are children made in the image of God from the time of fertilization.
Sometimes people (even Christians) are unaware of what happens to unused embryos, and of course, many non-Christians will not care. But the Alabama Supreme Court ruling has brought into the national spotlight what the Bible has said all along. Unborn babies are not “blobs of tissue” but are children made in the image of God from the time of fertilization (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:21–23).
As the news article above mentioned, the IVF process often involves the practice of creating designer babies based on several factors such as intelligence, hair color, eye color, gender, etc., through (egg and sperm) donation. And with “gamete donation, people can choose from a catalog of donors and pick certain physical and intellectual characteristics. Gamete donors must meet certain requirements, such as certain physical and intellectual characteristics, a certain ethnicity, a certain height, ‘good genes,’ physical attractiveness, and good health to weed out any ‘undesirable’ traits.”
So the dual holocausts of abortion and eugenics are still going strong. We definitely need to remember to pray for the unborn and pray that God will raise up more lawmakers who stand up for life.
This item was discussed today on Answers News with cohosts Bryan Osborne, Jessica DeFord, and Rob Webb. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:
Watch the entire episode of Answers News for May 6, 2024.
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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
We praise God for the way he’s working through the men and women he’s placed in power (in government, for instance) to bring about good and necessary change!
I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.