Thankful for AiG's Prayer Ministry

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Your site is very easy to get around in and I so appreciate the printable bible studies, the ease of e-mailing articles to others, and focus on what God says and not what people's theories say.

Dear Maam, or Sir:

Learned of AiG about two months ago when I was looking for some help. Ended up getting to know your prayer coordinator, Mr. Ted Laughlin quite well.

Please indulge me while I tell you what this has meant to me. Mr. Laughlin has included me in prayer requests specificaly for AiG, the Creation Museum, and ongoing seminars, etc.

Knowing this man has changed my life. He is relentless in serving the Lord. He has taught me a great deal about prayer and has done it by example, resources, what God says, and other ways.

He remaians transparent, teachable, and very tunnel-visioned when it comes to remaining focused on the Lord and serving Him and Him alone. I would venture to say that this man is being used by the Lord as the backbone of your ministry because of his dedication to prayer for each of you, the ministry as a whole, and those who have contact with you. It would take me pages to tell you all he does that likely few of you even know about.

He is a true treasure in God's family and I just want to thank whomever was responsible for bringing him there and do thank the Lord often for guiding me to AiG and to Mr. Laughlin.

Your site is very easy to get around in and I so appreciate the printable bible studies, the ease of e-mailing articles to others, and focus on what God says and not what people's theories say. May the Lord bless this ministry, keep it safe from the ever-growing apostasy, and lead people who are looking for the truth here.

Thank you.
Your sister in Christ, S.R.


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