How AiG Materials Help Evangelize Professional Athletes!

On this special edition, we feature former US professional football player Ken Moyer. Ken played six seasons for the Cincinnati Bengals and the Philadelphia Eagles.

We have a very different Webcast this weekend. Normally we feature scientists, theologians and pastors who talk about the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. On this special edition, we feature former US professional football player Ken Moyer. Ken played six seasons for the Cincinnati Bengals and the Philadelphia Eagles, retiring in the mid-1990s because of a shoulder injury.

Ken recently visited AiG-US in northern Kentucky, where he shared with the staff how AiG’s materials have been a great blessing–building him up personally, and providing materials to his athlete friends (resources such as the book and tape One Blood, which have made him highly effective in reaching professional athletes, including “minorities”).

Ken Moyer ministers primarily to the professional athletes on the Cincinnati Reds baseball team and the Cincinnati Bengals football team. In the past, he has invited Ken Ham, AiG-US president, to speak to some of the Bengals and Reds players. In November, through the intercession of Moyer and another AiG supporter Eddie Taubensee (now a catcher with baseball’s Cleveland Indians), Ken Ham was invited to speak at the Professional Athletes Outreach meeting in Orlando, Florida.

Introducing Ken Moyer on this special Webcast is Mark Looy, Director of Ministry Relations at AiG-US.


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