Finding Answers

on October 5, 2007
Featured in Feedback

Every once in a while, it is good to remember that God uses ministries such as AiG to touch peoples’ lives and encourage them. Here are a few such stories.

Debating with Confidence

Just wanted to send some praise and encouragement for the wonderful AIG ministry in general and specifically for Paul TAYLOR’s superb rebuttal to the Council of Europe resolution. What I love about his response (and all of the AIG responses on such issues) is the way that it addresses the issues factually and forcefully in a way that exposes the many falsehoods of the evolutionary and liberal position without giving any offence or resorting to the sort of cheap mud slinging that our adversaries often employ. This ministry is a truly Spirit-filled champion of all that I hold dear concerning The Way, The Truth and The Life. May God bless you, encourage you and inspire you always in the invaluable work in which you are engaged. I have often thanked God for the day he first led me to your ministry and all of the wonderful resources that you provide. Since then I have been able to debate evolutionists with confidence, armed with ANSWERS aplenty and many challenging questions for them too!
—L.C., U.K.

Teaching to Make a Difference

I just want you to know that your website is awesome. I actually found it about 5 years ago and for the first time I had answers to all of my questions that finally made sense to me. So many people in the church are ignorant to what to believe when it comes to anything from ghosts to how old the earth really is or the explanation of Gen. 1:1–2. It really does make a difference what you believe and having the biblical basis for supporting what you believe instead of just marking it off as something we’ll have to wait to find out when we get to heaven. I teach what I have learned to anyone who will listen to me. I actually taught it in an adult sunday school class a few years back & an adult much older than me just couldn’t believe what I was saying to be truth. She would say but this or that & I would counteract with the word of God. By the end of the class she was finally convinced. Anyway, thanks again for such an awesome website & it would be awesome to visit the museum one day.
—W.O., U.S.

Accessing Information

Just want to say how fab the site is for information and accessing resources. My husband and I lead a small group and it is brilliant to be able to show the DVDs and print off the study guides to use.
—A.P., U.K.

Holding up the Banner

Thank you for the wonderful selection of rock-solid books on creationism in your online store. I was looking on for some used books, and I noticed many of the materials you offer have few or negative reviews. I thought of how easily I could add positive reviews for the books I have read. Perhaps you could alert some of the supporters of this ministry to this opportunity in an upcoming newsletter.
—F.D., U.S.

Sending a Blessing

Just wanted to say Thank You for this wonderful website and your awesome material. It is great having this as a reference point for my entire family. The kids website is amazing and I plan on having my kids use it a lot to get information or just to play. May the Lord continue to bless you and your efforts to spread His good news.
—S.T., U.S.

Saving for Later

Excellent newsletter this week, especially the article “Saved by Grace . . . and Evolution?” which included great answers to reasons that Christians often offer for believing in theistic evolution. Also, there were links in the article to other great info, especially the “left the church” and “intellectual suicide” links. I have bookmarked them both, as well as the original Feedback, for future reference. I teach biology to homeschoolers, and there are often difficult questions that I should have answers for, and AiG has been instrumental in helping me with that. AiG has been such a blessing to me in so many ways—thank you and keep up the good work!!!
—B.C., U.S.

Do you have a concern or a question? Has God used AiG materials to change your heart? Please let us know. We thank our readers for their continued prayers and ask that you consider supporting the ministry at AiG so that we can continue to promote the good news through our many outreaches.


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