Creationists Get Equipped

on May 4, 2006
Featured in Answers Magazine

Creation College 2 (CC2) is unlike any other conference of Answers in Genesis- USA. First held in 2004, the week-long event features over 20 highly qualified speakers and is uniquely designed to equip attendees to speak and write effectively on creation and biblical authority. Over 500 are expected to attend CC2, scheduled for June 28–July 2, 2006 in Indiana (USA).

The event is packed with in-depth and hands-on sessions covering: building a relevance talk, using the web, designing children’s workshops, organizing video conferences, implementing technology into talks, writing for publication, plus much more. And this year, there are special elective sessions specifically geared for pastors.

Visit the special CC2 website - - to find last-minute registration information, to listen to live audio streams, or to follow the blog, etc.

Answers Magazine

July – September 2006

This issue covers topics such as differing worldviews, the Intelligent Design movement, justice, and more.

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