Banned Authors Plan Canyon Raft Trip

Tom Vail’s beautiful new book Grand Canyon: A Different View made worldwide headlines earlier this year when the US National Park Service considered banning it from park bookstores [see Geologists in an Uproar]. An experienced Canyon guide (logging over 150 trips in 20 years), Tom is “taking on the Canyon” again this summer, along with two of the authors featured in the book.

The authors speak out

Tom has been deluged with requests for interviews and more information on his controversial book. Why would presidents of seven geological societies—representing around 100,000 geologists and paleontologists—want to see this book banned ?

Two of the authors in the book—AiG speaker Mike Oard and AiG friend Keith Swenson—will be joining Tom and his wife on the two AiG raft trips this summer, and they will explain, in the “most beautiful classroom on earth,” how the scientific facts (when properly interpreted) confirm that there was a global flood, and that one of its after-effects was a quickly carved canyon in northern Arizona.

Many evolutionary geologists who have studied the Canyon agree that it was formed by catastrophic process, but the story-tellers at the park still say it was eroded over millions of years by the Colorado River.

Apparently the book has hit a real nerve, and Tom now finds himself being represented by the Alliance Defense Fund. “I’m not surprised at the controversy, but I’m amazed at the extent of it,” Tom says. “The original goal of the book was to present a layman’s explanation of the scientific evidence for a young earth as seen in the Grand Canyon. The book presents a different view, one that goes against the grain of everything evolutionary geologists believe. Without an earth that is millions of years old, the entire evolutionary house of cards falls apart. All scientists examine the same data and then, based on their worldview they come to a conclusion. Just because the science presented in this book provides a different view, does not make it bad science. There are 23 contributors to the book, including 17 scientists, 14 of whom have PhDs in fields of geology, paleontology, biology, biochemistry, physics, and geophysics, from colleges like Harvard, Penn State, and Princeton. It is not bad science; it is a different conclusion, one which the evolutionary community is unwilling to consider.”

Tom goes on to say, “It is unfortunate that a relativity small number of people have turned this into a legal issue. Now the debate is a ‘free speech’ issue as to whether or not the book should stay on the shelves in the bookstores at Grand Canyon National Park. It is my hope that the Park Service will do the right thing and keep the book in the shelves.

Interested in seeing what the controversy is all about? You could buy a copy of Tom’s book … but why not meet some of the authors in person, and see the wonders of the Canyon “from the bottom up’?

The first trip is booked, but a few seats are open for July!

Tom promises unforgettable hikes, great fellowship, and life-changing, one-on one talks. Get to know some really interesting and fun creation speakers. People come from all over the planet—from Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and Australia—along with others from around the corner in Canada, Mexico and the United States.

What keeps them coming? Helicopter rides, whitewater …

Comments from last year's participants:

“Our Grand Canyon trip last June was one of the most extraordinary, educational, spiritual and memorable trips we have ever taken.”
– S. Walsh, Chesterfield, Virginia

“It was and will remain one of the trips of a lifetime. … the trip was so well supplied, organized, and professional … . Most important … were the teachings and discussions about geology, creation, and the Bible, surrounded by one of the Creator's most spectacular examples of His handiwork on Earth.”
– M. Moser, Lima, Ohio

If you’ve been considering the vacation of a lifetime, why not visit the greatest natural wonder of the world! The trip in June (5–12), featuring Mike Oard and AiG speaker Carl Kerby, is booked with a waiting list. But a few seats are left for the trip in July:

Travel 190 river miles through the heart of Grand Canyon on this adventure, encountering all the major rapids and points of interest along the river corridor. On the last morning of the trip, fly by helicopter out of the Canyon! Dr Keith Swenson, AiG friend and president of the Design Science Association, will also join the tour as an interpreter of the Canyon’s wonders.

Both thrilling trips are on a motorized raft. Enjoy “North America’s biggest whitewater” while learning about God’s judgment of the Flood. Includes daily hikes to explore side canyons. Great food, fellowship and teaching.

Don’t miss your chance for a dream “creation vacation.” It will be a highlight of your life … guaranteed!

All you need to bring is your clothes, camera and Bible!


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