AiG a Comfort in a Time of Need

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“I have just finished radiation treatments for cancer. The word cancer may seem bad but the Lord gave me such peace through it all.”

I have just finished radiation treatments for cancer. The word cancer may seem bad but the Lord gave me such peace through it all. The Answers in Genesis tapes and Ken Ham was a big part of how the Lord delivered that peace. I remembered that the worst that could happen is death and death would bring me to the Lord. I had nothing to fear. I certainly owe a lot to Answers in Genesis that I can never repay. I wish I could put into words how much AIG has meant to me working here in a liberal intellectual community, through my whole family coming back to the Lord and through my recent illness, not to mention how it has and is still affecting the community even with the major opposition. The AIG website is fantastic!!!

– J. D.


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