Ken Ham on Worldwide Radio Debate!

The “Voice of America”—an international short-wave radio network based out of Washington, D.C.—will be featuring a live debate between AiG's Ken Ham and Eugenie Scott

The "Voice of America"-an international short-wave radio network based out of Washington, D.C.-will be featuring a live debate between AiG's Ken Ham and Eugenie Scott of the evolutionist/humanist group "National Center for Science Education." Although it will be aired live Monday, September 13 from 1-2p.m. Eastern time (U.S.) on "Talk to America" over various frequencies worldwide, the debate will be archived and can be heard on for 24 hours after the live debate.

The NCSE incorrectly reported last month that public schools in Kansas deleted mention of evolution in its new science standards. Almost all the mainstream media got it wrong, primarily through the misinformation efforts of the NCSE. Ken Ham will set the record straight, and will expose the grave scientific and social problems associated with "molecules-to-man" evolution.


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