More than just events, one word: dinosaurs, the impact of the Fall, and more!
As promised last month, the Answers Outreach site (formerly Events) has been completely redesigned. In fact, because of the expanded vision of the Outreach ministry at Answers in Genesis, the link has been promoted to the “link super highway” at the top of the AiG family of sites (to the right of the Creation Museum logo).
So what’s new? Plenty.
Although we had updated the look of the former Events pages many times over the years, the new Answers Outreach becomes the latest site to take advantage or our new architecture. What that means is that the pages have a sleek, refined look and an intuitive navigation.
But the beauty is not just skin deep.
In a video available on the front page, Ken Ham reveals why people need answers: too many have been scarred or disillusioned by their search for meaning. AiG wants to provide biblically-based, scientifically-sound answers to people all across the United States, Europe, and around the world.
This new site makes it easy to find events by map or by date. If there’s not one near you, consider signing up to host your own event—either live sessions or video conferences. There are even a number of testimonies from Johnny Hunt (president of the Southern Baptist Convention), Tony Perkins (president of the Family Research Council), and others about how important these outreaches are.
From research, it’s obvious that many young people leave the church looking for answers elsewhere. Shouldn’t we provide them a rock solid foundation in the church?
As Martin Luther called his generation to make Scripture alone the authority, we at Answers in Genesis rally ours to a new reformation, to a place of laying aside doubt, defending the faith, and building our thinking on the Word of God.
Take a look at the new Answers Outreach site for yourself—and feel free to share it with your friends and family. There’s a convenient ShareThis button to do just that.
And be sure to keep reading InSite for future updates on the Outreach site, including a convenient new event search. The new design is just the beginning.
Dinosaurs—few animals past or present capture the attention of children quite like them. Join Ken Ham as he explores the real history of these magnificent creatures in Dinosaurs for Kids.
One word may inspire more kids than any other: dinosaurs. These amazing creatures of the past ignite the imaginations of millions all over the world.
But, sadly, few ever hear the truth about when dinosaurs lived and how they disappeared. Instead, they’re told the standard secular model of millions of years, and few examine these claims.
The Bible tells a different story, however, of massive creatures intricately designed, of humans seeing these testaments of God’s creative power, and of their bones being buried in the worldwide Flood.
Because Ken Ham loves dinosaurs, too, and loves revealing what the Bible teaches about them, he wants to share that enthusiasm with children (and adults) everywhere. In the brand-new book Dinosaurs for Kids, he teams a powerful Bible-based timeline of dinosaur history with eye-popping illustrations and the latest in dinosaur information. Kids will learn about dinosaur names and misnomers, what the Bible has to say about them, and what we can learn from the fossil evidence of their existence.
Dinosaurs have long been used to indoctrinate kids into millions of years and evolution. But this book is the remedy. It lays out the secular model—and then shows the flaws in those ideas and what the Bible says. Kids will be equipped to stand on God’s Word and understand dinosaurs like never before.
Your website was down recently for a few hours. What happened?
From time to time, you may come to one of the AiG family of sites and find that it’s down for a while. What’s going on?
As much as we would like our systems to always be up, there are times when our servers must be rebooted, software and hardware must be updated, or other technical issues force a brief downtime.
Recently, in fact, we had a planned upgrade of a number of systems. Since we knew we’d be down, we combined all the upgrades together, which included everything from hardware to architecture, operating system, IIS server, database, and even the software running on it. While there are a few bugs to work out (let us know if you find any), the benefits are added features, stability, and speed. (Keep watching this article series for future announcements.)
We certainly ask that you keep our site—and our web staff—in your prayers. We want this site to be a continuous witness for Christ.
(Have a question for InSite? Let us know! Be sure to mention that your question is intended for InSite.)
Did you know that we publish a daily devotional based on Charles Spurgeon’s sermons? Since January of this year (2009), we’ve published a new devotional every day, which amounts to nearly 300 sermons that provide a daily dose of biblical instruction. Why not take a look now? A new one shows up daily on our front page—and in the archive—for easy access. If you’re curious, you can also explore the history and rationale behind these devotionals.
InSite is a monthly feature of Answers in Genesis that covers new features and content—as well as other useful tools and resources—on Written by the web team itself, InSite offers a bit of insight into the web philosophy and projects of the Answers in Genesis Internet Outreach department. Have a suggestion or other feedback about how our website works? Let us know! Miss out on last month’s edition of InSite? Take a look now!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.