InSite, March 2010

An inside look at

on March 9, 2010

At-home tours, an app for us, wearing the gospel, letters to the editor, and more.

A Tour Is Worth a Thousand Words

We’ve built an exciting website dedicated to showing what the Creation Museum is about and why you should come and bring your family.

But if you’ve never been and you’re curious what’s there (or simply want to take another look), our newest addition, a 360º photo tour, lets you examine some of the 6,000 years of earth history at the museum with the click of a mouse.

Take the virtual tour for yourself:

(Please note: depending on the speed of your connection, the virtual tour may take a few moments to load. When finished, the black-and-white images will become full-color.)

Powered By Virtual Rabbit

When the image fully loads, click with your pointer and drag your mouse to move around in the virtual scenes. Use the buttons at the bottom to auto-rotate, zoom, or to view full screen (may be slow on some computers). Click the “Scenes” tab and choose from one of ten views from inside and outside the museum.

There’s an App for Us

More and more of our site visitors are relying on mobile devices to keep updated. These pocket-sized portables make it easier than ever to check your email, see weather forecasts, browse social networks, and share pictures from anywhere. And now you can add Answers in Genesis to the list of things you can do on the run.

If you own an iPhone or iPod Touch (2nd generation), or plan to purchase the upcoming iPad, make a trip over to Apple’s iTunes Store to download the free Answers in Genesis app. Besides being clean and attractive, this intuitive app lets you check out the latest news stories, review blog posts from our speakers, read about the newest products in our online store, see what’s going on at the Creation Museum, and keep up with After Eden.

While most current mobile devices have an Internet browser, this new app streamlines our site into an easy-to-access package. So, all you iPhone users, go download the app and let us know what you think in the reviews.

We’re already working on a newer version with plenty of exciting features. Don’t own an iPhone? Not to worry. Our next app version will have editions for BlackBerry, Android, Palm, and Windows Mobile. As always, check InSite each month for the latest.

In Store: Show You’re Not Ashamed


Challenge others to follow your lead! Use these shirts to show that you are not ashamed of the gospel.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

In a secular culture that is increasingly hostile to any claim of absolute truth, the battle over issues like abortion, “gay” marriage, racism, and evolution is intensifying. However, in reality there is only one issue—one defining question of where we place our trust—the reasoning of man or the Word of God.

And we want you to get invovled. If you’re unashamed of the gospel, let others know. Wear one of our new “I Am Not Ashamed” t-shirts or lapel pins, or display the message boldly on your vehicle with an eye-catching bumper sticker. In fact, you can even sponsor an ad or billboard of your own.

Head over to our online store to check out the new products and join with us in proclaiming we’re not ashamed of the gospel.

Question of the Month

My local newspaper published an article that attacks the Bible. Will you write a letter to the editor?

While we do occasionally send letters to newspapers and other media outlets pointing out the flaws in anti-God articles or commentaries (or ones that falsely accuse us), our goal as a ministry is not simply to answer all such articles. Rather, our goal is to equip readers with the tools to defend their faith against such attacks.

The reason? Quite simply, there are too many media outlets publishing such stories for us to answer them all. But we have supporters around the globe whom we hope will take what they’ve learned and show they are not ashamed.

That doesn’t mean we won’t help. Our web articles, books, and videos are all intended to help you craft responses in a gracious, knowledgeable, and logical manner, as such responses are more likely to be published. For example, Get Answers is a good place to start to find specific information on any number of topics. For more technical issues, you may want to review the in-depth discussions in either Answers in Depth or Answers Research Journal.

If you’re not sure how to craft a letter to the editor, we’ve got you covered. Read our primer on how to craft a short, effective response. And then review a sampling of letters we’ve sent in the past.

For additional help, you can always contact us> or seek the aid of other believers on our Facebook page.

(Have a question for InSite? Let us know! Be sure to mention that your question is intended for InSite.)

Did You Know?

Did you know that many of our consistently popular articles deal with questions you may have asked? While many of our newest articles attract plenty of attention, some classic articles continue to perform well every year. Here’s a list of just a few of the most popular articles posted during the last decade that continue to draw new readers:

About InSite

InSite is a monthly feature of Answers in Genesis that covers new features and content—as well as other useful tools and resources—on Written by the web team itself, InSite offers a bit of insight into the web philosophy and projects of the Answers in Genesis Internet Outreach department. Have a suggestion or other feedback about how our website works? Let us know! Miss out on last month’s edition of InSite? Take a look now!


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