Creation Science News

on December 1, 1996

Originally published in Creation 19, no 1 (December 1996): 6.

Creation Museum—the Battle Heats Up; Zoo Displays Humans

Creation Museum—the Battle Heats Up

The county was totally unprepared for the barrage of attacks, including invective, abuse, hostile rallies and all sorts of falsehoods circulating, including charges that Ken Ham was 'like Jim Jones, after our children'. The issue, which hit the national media, was front-page regional news for many weeks.

A local 'liberal' church leader led much of the opposition, saying that he didn't want the museum to tell children that God wants them 'bound by ancient Scripture'. At the rally he organised, several vocal atheists were guest speakers.

Although the museum is to be financed by private donations, on private land, there were many hostile threats of court action on the church/state separation issue, not only against AiG, but also the county, if the re-zoning was approved.

One of the vocal opponents said, 'We wouldn't mind if they wanted to build a church'. AiG director Ken Ham says that this shows where the battle is. 'The forces of liberal humanism have no problem with the average church—they have been winning the war against Christianity in our society by constant indoctrination about evolution and millions of years. They know that a high-quality presentation proclaiming the truth of biblical creation attacks the foundation of their religion.' Donations to AiG are tax-deductible for US citizens.

Zoo Displays Humans

Denmark's Copenhagen zoo recently gained an extra addition to its display of apes and monkeys—a Danish couple living 'on display' between the lemurs and the baboons.

Acrobat Henrik Lehmann and newspaper employee Malene Botoft were to stay on exhibit in a specially constructed apartment for several weeks. They said that their neighbours the lemurs were annoying them at night with their 'uninhibited screaming'.

The display of Homo sapiens came complete with a standard zoo label giving details of diet, habitat and other such statistics.

A zoo information official said that he hoped it would encourage people to face up to their origins. 'We are all primates. (Lehmann and Botoft) are monkeys in a way but some people find that hard to accept. This is a way to maybe help people realize that.'

The display drew the attention of many people—adults seemed somewhat uncomfortable at staring, but children crowded round enthusiastically.

New York Daily News,
August 29, 1996, p. 48.


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