Buses Bound for Branson!

by Ken Ham on December 3, 2007

This summer, AiG hosts its first “Defending Your Faith in a Secular America” conference, July 15–18, 2008 in the family-friendly city of Branson, Missouri.

Lots of Buses

We want to see several buses (like these recently parked at the Creation Museum) heading to Missouri next summer!

While tour buses continue to pour into the Creation Museum virtually every day (sometimes you’ll even see several states represented), we hope to be seeing many buses also heading a different direction next July. This coming summer, AiG hosts its first “Defending Your Faith in a Secular America” conference, July 15–18, 2008 in the family-friendly city of Branson, Missouri.

I am pleased to be joining three of the finest apologetics speakers anywhere in the world: Oxford-trained Dr. Voddie Baucham, head of his own Texas-based ministry; the excellent Bible teacher, Doug Phillips, president of the Vision Forum ministry and a recent visitor to our Creation Museum; and my AiG colleague and good friend Carl Kerby.

We’ll also hold children's workshops for ages 7–12 featuring Buddy Davis. Buddy, who has several CDs to his credit, will also be bringing his toe-tapping music to Branson for the attendees to enjoy.

The main sessions are generally for ages 13 and older. In our scheduling, we have made sure to block off some free time so that families can enjoy some of the many attractions and musical performances in this extraordinary part of America.

Here are some of the exciting topics that will be covered in Branson:

  • The real reasons why the once predominant Christian worldview of the West is collapsing
  • How we can equip you and your family to uphold God’s Word and proclaim the gospel in the increasing secularized culture
  • How to answer the skeptical attacks and questions of this age that cause people to doubt the Bible . . . but that it can be trusted
  • How to build a consistent Christian worldview and influence the culture with “salt” and “light”

If you register before January 1, you will be eligible for some “super early-bird special” conference rates: $79 per person, $129 per couple, and $159 per family.

An idea: If you happen to live within a day’s drive of Branson, why not approach your church leadership about organizing a special bus trip to this Bible-affirming conference? Or at least help arrange to bring your family (and friends). In this way, you can have a great impact within your church and family so that they will have answers to defend our faith.

Also, if there are 15 or more in the group, the registration is only $79 per person—this discount will be good through June 15. That’s yet another encouragement for you to think about bringing a group and having a great time in Branson.

This national conference, held right in the middle of America, will use the wonderful Tri-Lakes Center facility, just down the road from some of the best attractions in all of Branson—and a short drive from some of the more scenic areas of the beautiful Ozarks.

Attend and get some great creation/worldview apologetics teaching in the mornings and evenings, and attend a popular Branson family show (or amusement park) in the afternoons.

I hope to see you in July!


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