The inaugural issue of the new Answers magazine has gone to print.
The inaugural issue of the new Answers magazine has gone to print. I saw the mock-up of this publication-and all I could say was “wow!” Not only does this publication have “meaty” creation/evolution articles, but other articles with practical worldview teaching, biblical authority challenges, fascinating news items and many other exciting features for the whole family.
1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) states: “But in
your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do
this with gentleness and respect.”
Answers magazine does just that-gives answers that are desperately needed in today's world. It is designed to
Over 30 AiG staff and over 20 writers have been involved in producing an 80-page, professional, world-class publication that is stunning in content and presentation. Special features include a pullout magazine for children including a startling collectible dinosaur poster, and a foldout teaching chart.
At AiG, we believe it is imperative that we always be on the cutting edge in regard to technology, presentation methods and so on-but we also need to be on the cutting edge in understanding where the culture is at and how best to communicate in today's world.
1 Chronicles 12:32 (KJV) states: “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding
of the times … .”
Over time as the culture
changes, many arguments needed to answer skeptical questions also change. We need to always have an “understanding of
the times.
” The culture changes in many
other ways as well-the way information is communicated changes. Highly qualified AiG personnel conducted a
lot of research to make the Answers publication state-of-the-art as far as graphics, article presentation, etc. And we will continue to
monitor these items to ensure we stay up with what is needed to reach today's
dynamic, but increasingly secularized, culture.
Even the arguments concerning creation/evolution change. As creationists give answers to evolutionary claims, new challenges are then brought up that require new arguments to counteract them. Many of the arguments we would have used in such a magazine a few years ago, today would not necessarily be seen as major arguments-this is why such a publication as Answers needs to stay on the front line of where the battle between secular humanism and Christianity is.
And of course, we have lined up a large range of professionals in their fields (many outside of AiG), to carry out careful review of everything printed in the publication. Sometimes many hours of meetings (in addition to the review process) were involved over just one article to ensure scientific and biblical accuracy.
When the 35,000 on our subscriber list receive their inaugural issue, I believe many will immediately want to give gift subscriptions to others. Even without having a copy of this new publication, Answers has been the biggest selling item on our website in recent weeks (both for new subscriptions and renewals). Speakers are also finding a greater than expected response at conferences/seminars etc. We live in a world where people are crying out for answers!
Answers will also be on the cutting edge in regard to the most recent news to ensure your family is kept up-to-date with the latest in discoveries, creation evidences, breaking news stories, etc.
Subscribers will have access to an exclusive website with a special “KidsAnswers” section, including an interactive dinosaur page that is tied to the amazing panoramic poster in the center of Answers magazine.
It will also have extra articles and behind-the-scenes news about the writing of various articles-stories we didn't publish, but that you will be fascinated to hear about (e.g., why we had a struggle obtaining photos of the “fighting dinosaurs”). There will be more background information on particular articles, thorough scientific details about certain key articles, breaking news that happened after printing and additional details that will benefit the whole family. And we are commencing a free online technical section as well-the first technical article on the Bird flu epidemic will be up soon. Watch for our coming launch of the Answers magazine website next week, and use the special code printed in the inaugural issue to access special “subscriber only” bonus elements.
Until Answers magazine rolls off the presses and is delivered to your mailbox, check back here at our website for exciting glimpses into its pages.
Answers is your family's best resource for information on what's happening today in Christianity and, together with the special website, it is your family's way to fast, easy and culturally relevant answers that, by and large, are not available elsewhere. Between the dynamic website and the integration with Answers, you and your family will be equipped to defend the Christian faith, uphold the authority of God's Word, and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in this secular age.
Don't miss out on this inaugural issue. We believe Answers will quickly become a leading apologetics publication.
Congratulations to the AiG staff and writers! Again, all I can say is “wow!”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.