Ark Donations Reach Major Milestone

Imagine being able to see for yourself the immense size of Noah’s Ark or even being able to walk its decks! Well, construction is underway right now in Williamstown, Kentucky, on our full-size Ark attraction so you can do just that. And we have some exciting news to announce about Ark Encounter!

We are thrilled to share that the donations to the Ark Encounter have just recently passed the $20 million mark towards the $29.5 million goal! We give all praise to our Creator who continues to bless this incredible outreach through the generosity of thousands of supporters across the USA and even around the world.

A recent commitment by a couple of supporters to match all gifts to the Ark Encounter up to $1.5 million through September 15, 2015, has greatly helped the Ark funding as we enter the final critical stretch to reach the donation goal over the next 12 months. We ask that you pray the Lord will continue to provide in the amazing way that He has so far.

At a time when we are seeing the significant impact of how far our culture has drifted from a biblical worldview, we believe the life-size Ark will be a sign to the world that God's Word and its message of salvation is true. Many people in our culture today have completely rejected God’s Word and have sadly been deceived into thinking that God’s Word cannot be trusted. Few accounts in the Bible are as mocked and ridiculed today as the account of the global Flood of Noah’s day. The Ark Encounter will be a massive attraction that will stand as a testament to the truth of God’s Word. Millions of people will come and visit the Ark and will find answers to their questions about Noah’s Ark such as “How did Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?” and “How did he care for all the animals?” They will also see the overwhelming evidence found around the world that testifies that there really was a worldwide Flood. And, of course, they will then be pointed to Jesus Christ, who provides us with salvation from God’s coming judgment. Answers in Genesis CEO Ken Ham recently summed up the message of the Ark:

I truly believe the life-size Ark project, which will open next year, will be one of the greatest Christian outreaches of our day. Other than the Cross (the greatest symbol of the gospel/salvation message), I believe the Ark is the greatest symbol of salvation—a reminder of one door through which one must go to be saved. Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9).

To watch the progress of the Ark construction and donation funding, as well as see the many ways you can help support the Ark, visit


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