Reusing Names?

Where Was the Garden of Eden?

by Ken Ham on September 3, 2024

Part 2


This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry behind the rapidly growing Answers in Genesis YouTube channel.


Yesterday we learned that many people believe the garden of Eden was in the Middle East because the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are mentioned as flowing from Eden. But today’s Tigris and Euphrates don’t match the description of the rivers of Eden. So why do they have the same names?

Well, Noah’s flood completely reworked the surface of the earth leaving Noah and his family with a totally different world after the flood. But they probably reused names from the old world as they named things in the new world—just like people did when they left England and came to America.

So, ultimately, where was the Garden of Eden? Well, we just do not know!

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About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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