Arguing Against the Bible with the Bible?

Best Proof of Creation?

by Ken Ham on August 16, 2024

Part 2


This is Ken Ham, editor of the popular apologetics series, The New Answers Books.


For atheists to argue against the Bible, they have to start with the Bible.

Here’s what I mean. In the evolutionary worldview, everything is the result of random, chance processes and everything is material. So where do the immaterial laws of nature come from? How can a naturalistic process produce something immaterial?

And what about logic? For an atheist to argue against the Bible, he needs to use logic. But why should immaterial laws of logic exist in a naturalistic, material world?

The laws of nature and laws of logic only make sense if there’s a logical, orderly Creator who made both the material and the immaterial.

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About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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