Preach the Gospel!

What to Do in Perilous Times

by Ken Ham on February 16, 2022

Part 3


This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on the Bible’s reliability and authority.


This week we’re looking at what to do in the perilous times we live in.

Yes, freedom is vanishing, anti-Christian sentiment is rising, and persecution is looming. How should Christians respond?

Well . . . we’re still to preach the gospel! Most of church history is a story of persecution, and yet the gospel has always marched on, the Bible has remained, and the church has continued to grow. When Jesus gave us the great commission, he didn’t put an expiration date on it. So, no matter what’s going on, we continue to preach the gospel, trusting that the Lord will build his church and the gates of hell won’t prevail against it.

In this dark world, have hope—the gospel still saves!

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About Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis–US, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America.

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