Cheating happens in every school—including homeschools. Here are some ways we can be on guard against it. First, take a deep breath and realize the inevitable. It’s very likely that either your children have cheated in the past, they cheated on something today, or they will cheat in the future on an assignment or test. Cheating, like all sin, starts with the heart. So what should we do to prevent cheating?
First, address the temptation to cheat with your students. Have a conversation that explains that it’s part of our sinful nature to want to cheat on assignments. Explain that cheating is sin. Although it might feel good to peek at the teacher/answer book because you can get the answer fast, getting a sneak peek to finish an assignment early is cheating. And using the teacher’s book to copy the answers is cheating. Explain that it doesn’t please God when we cheat, and it prevents us from learning what we need to learn. Clarify that you will be watching them and keeping tabs on the answer keys, so it will be harder to cheat. Having this conversation at the beginning of your homeschool year may help your students avoid the temptation to cheat. Also, consider keeping the answer keys in a secret place to reduce temptation.
Next, I encourage you to have a conversation with your students one-on-one. Ask each student to be honest and write down reasons why they might cheat. Some are lazy, and cheating is easy. Cheating gives them more fun time in their day. Others are motivated to cheat because they want good grades, but they don’t want to put in the work. Those students need to be reminded that if they don’t work hard and understand the subjects, they will eventually be found out and will have to redo their work. Empathize with your student. Share true stories about times you too wanted to play instead of do schoolwork. Conclude with Scripture, which can give us all the motivation to work hard because it’s what God says to do. Have your students read and memorize Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
Last, consider a family project to decorate their schoolroom or personal study area. Provide colored pencils and markers. Have your students choose Scripture verses that encourage hard work and honesty. Let them choose their favorite encouraging Bible verses to write on pieces of cardstock. Let them color their verses using markers and colored pencils. Provide poster putty so they can stick the colorful verses on the wall as a reminder of the choices they’ve made to be honest every day.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.