When you think of people I agree with, famed atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is probably not the first person who comes to mind! And yet, I do agree with statements Dawkins made in a recent interview. But is it really so amazing that Ken Ham and Richard Dawkins agree on something? It’s not. But, first, what do we agree on?
A recent news headline stated, “Richard Dawkins declares there are only two sexes as matter of science: ‘That's all there is to it.’” Well, I do agree with Richard Dawkins (although I would add that there aren’t two sexes, ultimately, “as a matter of science,” but rather, there are two sexes, ultimately, as a matter of the Word of our Creator, beginning in Genesis!).
Dawkins is right, there are only two human sexes—male and female. The article reports,
During a recent interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, famed atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins declared that “there are two sexes, and that’s all there is to it.”
He added that LGBTQ activists looking to discredit the reality of two biological sexes are pushing “utter nonsense.”
The article reported on Piers Morgan’s interview with Dawkins by stating,
Morgan was referring to a recent list of problematic words put out by the “EBB Language Project,” a collection of academics looking to police words that could potentially be found to be politically incorrect. The proposed list contains gendered words such as “male, female, man, woman, mother, father,” U.K. outlet The Telegraph reported.
Dawkins had commented on the project last month, telling the paper, “The only possible response is contemptuous ridicule. I shall continue to use every one of the prohibited words. I am a professional user of the English language. It is my native language.”
I actually admire Richard Dawkins’ courage in responding this way!
How could it be that Christian and biblical creationist like me could have any common ground with atheist evolutionist Richard Dawkins? Well, I actually have no doubt that Richard Dawkins and I also agree on a lot of other things too. And that shouldn’t be surprising if one has a correct understanding of science.
Well, I actually have no doubt that Richard Dawkins and I also agree on a lot of other things too. And that shouldn’t be surprising if one has a correct understanding of science.
You see, just because someone is an atheist and evolutionist doesn’t mean they can’t do some good science when it comes to observational science. When I debated Bill Nye “The Science Guy” on February 4, 2014, the first thing I did at the beginning of the debate was define terms. I explained that the word “science” means knowledge. I helped people understand there’s a big difference between observational science—where we use our five senses in the present to do repeatable experiments and develop technology—and historical science—which concerns knowledge/beliefs about the past (origins, for instance). Such beliefs can’t be investigated directly using our five senses, and, of course, we can’t repeat the past. So, while observational science (technology, medicine, etc.) is directly testable, observable, and repeatable, historical science is not directly testable, observable, or repeatable.
Richard Dawkins and I will actually agree on a lot of things involving observational science. That shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. But when we discuss historical science, that’s where we can vehemently disagree.
Now, concerning the sexes (or genders—sex and gender are the same thing!), observational science shows that the information to build a human being is contained in 23 pairs of chromosomes made from that molecule of hereditary DNA. One of these pairs of chromosomes are called sex chromosomes, and each human has a pair. Males have an XY pair, and females have an XX pair.
Now, in our fallen world, there can be some so-called “exceptions” (such as XXX or XXY), but they’re a fraction of a percent. And people with these genetic abnormalities have various problems because the created order is XX and XY. Christians understand such “exceptions” are because we live in a fallen world, and so there can be mutations, copying mistakes, etc.
Christians not only believe in observational science, but we know God’s Word in Genesis is true.
As I mentioned at the beginning, Christians not only believe in observational science, but we know God’s Word in Genesis is true. Genesis 1:27 states God created humans “male and female.” Taking God at his Word, we declare there are only two genders of humans: male and female. The observational science Richard Dawkins and I agree on confirms this fact—there are only two genders of humans: males with a pair of XY chromosomes and females with a pair of XX chromosomes.
The Bible and observational science agree. That’s why Richard Dawkins and I can agree. However, we can vehemently disagree on historical science—the origins issue—because we have very different starting points for viewing the past: man’s word (Dawkins’ starting point) vs. God’s Word (my starting point).
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
This item was discussed today on Answers News with cohosts Avery Foley, Bryan Osborne, and Roger Patterson. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum and broadcast on my Facebook page and the Answers in Genesis Facebook page. We also covered the following topics:
Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on my Facebook page or the Answers in Genesis Facebook page for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Scientists have just named a brand-new species of mining bee (small bees that are very important pollinators): Andrena androfovea.
In the UK and Alberta, Canada, rulings have been passed down to protect children who believe they are transgender from taking drugs and undergoing surgery to irrevocably change their bodies.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.