Marian Tompson is a 94-year-old woman who was one of the founders of La Leche League (LLL), a breastfeeding support group that now has chapters around the world, all designed to help moms nurse their babies. Even at 94, Tompson was involved with LLL, that is, until recently, when she quit her position because of a new “inclusivity policy” that allows men—yes men—to attend meetings to be supported in “chestfeeding” newborns.
In her resignation letter, Tompson wrote this warning to the other LLL leaders:
This shift from following the norms of nature, which is the core of mothering through breastfeeding, to indulging the fantasies of adults, is destroying our organization.
And Tompson’s not the only one resigning over this. Miriam Main, a trustee and PR director for the British chapter of LLL, also stepped down stating that she “refused to help men ‘perform a poor imitation of breastfeeding’ that would also put babies in danger.”
Yes, you read that right—there are men who want to mimic breastfeeding, also called “chestfeeding,” and find support in doing so at LLL meetings. So-called “chestfeeding” is when men who claim they are women (or “non-binary” or some other moniker) take a concoction of hormones and chemicals to force a form of lactation and then nurse an infant. It’s disgusting and is an experiment on helpless newborns. And yet, a group dedicated to supporting moms in feeding their babies is encouraging and supporting it! Here’s what the British chapter shared:
[LLLGB] supports everyone who wants to breastfeed or chestfeed in reaching their goals. . . . We do not discriminate based on sex, gender or gender identity.
Yet another space that should be safe for women and children is being invaded by gender ideology. Not only are infants and their nutrient needs being put at risk by this absurd nonsense, but, as one of our female staff members pointed out to me, how many women will be comfortable discussing their nursing troubles with a man dressed as a woman sitting in the room with them? She’s guessing not very many!
God gave women the ability to nurture and feed infants through breastfeeding. A chemically induced “milk” is a cheap imitation of the rich and complex blend of nutrients a mother gives her child—a blend that changes composition based on cues the mom receives from the baby’s saliva!
The further we drift from the biblical truth that humans are created male and female, with unique biological designs, the more chaotic our culture becomes, and the more victims are left in the wake.
The further we drift from the biblical truth that humans are created male and female, with unique biological designs, the more chaotic our culture becomes, and the more victims are left in the wake.
Biology confirms the biblical truth given in Genesis and referred to elsewhere in Scripture that “male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Yes, only two genders of humans.
This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Jessica DeFord, Patricia Engler, and Rob Webb. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:
Be sure to join us each Monday at 2 p.m. (ET) on YouTube or later that day on Answers TV for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
In a new study, researchers used advanced mass spectrometry and protein sequencing to detect bone collagen in a well-preserved hip bone from an Edmontosaurus.
We praise God for the way he’s working through the men and women he’s placed in power (in government, for instance) to bring about good and necessary change!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.