When I’m Not Traveling

by Dr. Tommy Mitchell on December 2, 2010

With the onset of the Christmas season, my time on the road decreases significantly. I am blissfully away from airports and hotels for a few weeks. Also, I get to sleep in my own bed for many nights in a row.

With all this free time, I’m getting plenty of rest, right? Well, not exactly. There is still a lot to do. All the speakers here at Answers in Genesis look forward to this season of the year to have time to catch up on all the stuff we can’t get done when we travel.

For example, my active projects include: several feedback articles for the web, planning and writing further installments in our Arguments Christians Should Not Use web series, completing a chapter for one of our upcoming apologetics books, beginning to research and write chapters in our Contradictions series, working with our publisher in regard to a book project (which would be my first), and speaking several times this month at the Creation Museum—not to mention that I will be going home to Tennessee for a few days to visit my family and the folks at my old medical practice.

It you are in the area, please don’t forget to come to the ChristmasTown events here at the museum. You can get the schedule of event on the Creation Museum website.

God bless you all as we celebrate our Savior’s birth.


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