Ministry Friend Mary Parker Passes Away

by Ken Ham on March 25, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Mary Parker, a former ministry partner, friend, and dear wife to Dr. Gary Parker, went home to her Lord and Savior on March 20, 2025.

I first met Dr. Gary and Mary Parker in the 1980s at the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) headquarters when I visited America on one of my early speaking tours. Gary was a speaker for ICR, and his wife, Mary, was also involved in their Museum of Earth’s History (and that really caught my attention because I’d had a burden to build a creation museum and had already been praying about building such a museum for years). That meeting turned into a years-long friendship and ministry partnership.

After we met the Parkers, we invited them to come to Australia with us for a speaking tour in 1986. Together we traveled thousands of miles, with Gary (who is such a great communicator) speaking and Mary teaching some special workshop programs at times. Actually, during that tour, Gary and I spoke together at a Bible college in the Blue Mountains in Sydney, and we were recorded on video. That was the first video series of our major talks that we ever did, and to this day I still get feedback from people telling me how much that original series of VHS tapes impacted them.

Eventually Gary and Mary became part of AiG and served with us during the early days of the ministry. They then moved to Florida to set up their own ministry (Creation Adventures Museum) until they retired.

Over the years, Gary and Mary became close friends of myself and our ministry, and they had a tremendous impact through their speaking, workshops, and books, such as their coauthored Dry Bones and Other Fossils. We sold thousands of that title over the years, and that book introduced the idea of four major events in history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, and Christ—and that might sound familiar!

It’s a reminder of how we can all impact each other and build on the ideas the Lord has given us to reach more people.

Those four major events from their book inspired me to expand their work and develop the 7 C’s of History for the Creation Museum. The 7 C’s of History has become an iconic part of the AiG ministry and an integral part of the Creation Museum. It’s a reminder of how we can all impact each other and build on the ideas the Lord has given us to reach more people.

During their time with us, the Parkers also served with our Buddy Davis (who is in heaven now) and his wife, Kay. Kay shared this with me about Mary’s impact:

Mary really gets the credit for being the first to do creation workshops for children. With her guidance and encouragement, Buddy developed his popular children’s workshops that impacted so many people.

Mary had an extensive fossil collection, and she would bring her fossils to events for her workshops, and kids just loved them. It was such an extensive collection that it took her hours to set up and take down. She was the first one there and then the last to turn out the lights. She was very particular about the fossils—not everybody could help her—but eventually she gained confidence in Buddy and me, and we were able to help her set up and tear down.

Once they moved to the banks of the Peace River in Florida, we visited them several times and enjoyed Mary’s very extensive fossil collection on display in her home. She would invite groups to come and see the fossils and do workshops in her home. They would also plan canoe trips down the Peace River, which is filled with fossils. On one of those fossil hunting trips on the river, Buddy had to stand guard as the group was sifting through sand. Why? Well, there was an alligator on the other side of the river, and Buddy had to yell to get everyone out of the water if the alligator moved!

We loved her and Gary; those early days were a lot of fun. I will miss her. Pray for Gary and the family. Like Buddy and me, Gary and Mary were a team, always together serving the Lord.

Yes, Gary and Mary both have contributed greatly to the modern biblical creation apologetics ministry that will continue to impact millions of lives around the world. Mary will be greatly missed, but we know that she is rejoicing in her heavenly home with her Savior, and we pray especially for Gary and all the family as they go through this sad and yet also joyous time.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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