Connect with Your Teen Over Tilt Shift

by Ken Ham on February 1, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Have you watched Tilt Shift? Dr. Tim Chaffey and Bryan Osborne do a great job reviewing movies from a biblical-worldview perspective on that show, and it streams exclusively on Answers TV. It’s a great way to connect with your teens and help them view popular content through the lens of God’s Word.

This does not mean we necessarily endorse these movies, but we use them as teaching examples to learn how to apply a truly biblical worldview in everyday life.

A new episode of Tilt Shift is now available. This is their first-ever live episode, filmed before an audience during our Creation College Expo. They explore themes from Despicable Me 4, including parenting, identity, unforgiveness and grudges, ethical dilemmas, retirement, love, and more. And that’s just one of the many episodes available in the three seasons of this show.

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  • Tilt Shift filming
Tilt Shift is an excellent discipleship tool for teens and families, helping parents engage in meaningful conversations with their teens about cultural issues.

Tilt Shift is an excellent discipleship tool for teens and families, helping parents engage in meaningful conversations with their teens about cultural issues. I encourage you to check it out with a one-week free trial of Answers TV, our God-honoring, family-friendly, non-woke streaming platform. You can also enjoy nature programs, science shows, kids programs, a new cooking show, and more.

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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