We recently received the following two testimonies over social media. I wanted to share them with you as a reminder of how God is using this ministry—the attractions, the website and social media channels, and our resources—to reach people with the gospel and the message of biblical authority. Praise God with us for what he’s doing.
Here’s the first testimony, from a 21-year-old:
I wanted to say thank you for answering a lot of questions I had on my belief in Christianity. I know there are differences in orthodox or Protestant but I want to be a Christ Follower and I am reading the Bible. Appreciate how you explain it in your talks and on the channel Answers in Genesis. I grew up always skeptical of the earth being millions of years old and glad there are people who don’t think that either and believe the Bible front to back. God bless you and keep doing what you’re doing, this fight is worth fighting for🙏.You definitely saved my faith and I’m 21 years old I’m trying my best to preach the gospel to my siblings and family. (emphasis added)
Yes, the Lord is using our online outreaches to encourage believers, equipping them with answers.
And here’s the second testimony, from someone who visited the attractions:
My husband had a life-changing experience there last week. As a questioning scientist and engineer, his eyes and mind were wide open to learning new things from a Godly perspective. I’m so proud of him for giving his life to Christ while listening to Ken Ham speak. It was THE BEST day of our entire marriage of 16 years so far. Also, he’s more than 1/2 way through the book “From Creation to Babel.” I’m over the moon excited for him. (emphasis added)
Despite all the challenges and opposition, it is a joy to be used by the Lord to proclaim the gospel so people can be saved.
I never get tired of hearing these testimonies (and we receive so many). Despite all the challenges and opposition, it is a joy to be used by the Lord to proclaim the gospel so people can be saved.
We have received, and continue to receive, testimonies like this week after week.
Thank you for your support of this powerful ministry! Please continue to pray for us.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.