Donate Blood at the Creation Museum and Receive a Free Ticket

by Ken Ham on January 12, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In our local area, a group called Hoxworth Blood Center serves more than 30 hospitals with the necessary blood for transfusions (every five minutes, one such transfusion is needed!). Hoxworth is sending a donation bus to the Creation Museum for a blood drive on January 16, 2025, from 12–6 p.m., and as a thank-you for donating, each donor will receive a complimentary Creation Museum ticket and a pair of Hoxworth joggers.

When you donate, you will receive one free Creation Museum ticket that you can use that day or for a future visit within one year.

Blood transfusions have saved many lives—including those of AiG staff members and their families—so we’re excited to be part of this blood drive as a service to our local community. Staff members have already started signing up, but there are still time slots left. We encourage our local community, and even guests from out of town, to consider donating during a visit (you do not need Creation Museum admission to donate).

When you donate, you will receive one free Creation Museum ticket that you can use that day or for a future visit within one year. We want to do what we can to encourage people to participate.

To register for this blood drive, please visit Hoxworth’s website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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